ANNOUNCEMENT of the public promise of a reward for finding bugs in software products

This Announcement is the public promise of a reward for finding bugs in the Software Products as detailed below.

  1. ISPsystem is ISPsystem LTD.
  2. User is a legal entity or an individual lawfully using the Software Product under a commercial or a trial license subject to the exceptions specified in the Contract.
  3. Software Product is a program (programs), in whose relation the Contract applies: VMmanager 6, DCImanager 6, BILLmanager 6, IPmanager, DNSmanager 6
  4. The Contract is this Announcement of the public promise of a reward.

  1. ISPsystem undertakes to pay a reward to the User for finding bugs in the Software Products pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.
  2. This Contract shall not grant the User any additional rights to use the Software Products. The User is entitled to use the Software Products under a lawfully obtained license only.
  3. This Contract shall not apply to active and former employees of ISPsystem (until after 3 years from the date of employment termination) as well as their relatives.

  1. The reward shall be paid if the User finds critical bugs, whose reproduction is verified by ISPsystem:

Bug Description

Reward Size, $

Security problems that cause hanging of the Software Products or shutdown of a service as a result of user (not administrator) actions via the Software Product.


Problems that cause utilization of more resources than those available under a license purchased from ISPsystem (Breach of ISPsystem license agreement).


Security problems, whereby access to another user's data can be obtained as a result of certain user actions.


Security problem, whereby administrator rights can be obtained as a result of user actions (not actions of the Software Product main administrator).


  1. ISPsystem shall indicate the actual size of reward in relation to every reported bug following its review. That being said, ISPsystem is entitled to refuse to recognize a bug as critical, as well as to define the category of a bug at its discretion.
  2. In case the same bug occurs in several Software Products (and/or replicates), the reward shall only be paid once and for one Software Product unless additionally determined otherwise by ISPsystem.
  3. ISPsystem shall not compensate for any expenses born by the User in relation to this Contract, including but not limited to the cost of license, the cost of engaged specialists.

  1. A bug may be reported by the User in any way, including an e-mail, completing a dedicated form on ISPsystem website.
  2. In addition to a bug report, the User undertakes to submit information in any available form pertaining to a step-by-step description of prerequisites for the bug and attach log files with a maximum level of debugging.
  3. ISPsystem shall verify or refuse to verify the bug and determine its category within 3 (three) business days (starting from the day that follows the date of submission of the data by the User in the scope as required to reproduce the bug).
  4. In case another person reports a bug reported by the User at the same time, the first person to submit the bug report shall be entitled for a reward.
  5. ISPsystem shall refuse to pay if the following is true:
  1. A bug fails to meet the criteria outlined in the present Contract or cannot be reproduced consistently.
  2. Information about a bug is publicly available as of the moment of reporting.
  3. The User has intentionally compromised the security of the Software Product or its environment, as well as common security standards, system requirements have not been applied.
  4. Bugs are caused by DDoS attacks or by other similar actions (for example, superfluous requests with lengthy data etc.).
  5. User's misconduct (for example, utilizing a bug to gain access to copies of the Software Products of other persons, including without intent to inflict harm).

  1. A reward shall be paid within 10 business days from the date of verification of a bug and submission of the documents described herein by the User.
  2. For the purpose of payment, tax and accounting as required by the applicable legislation, the User shall provide the following in order to have a reward paid:
  1. For an individual: Full name and surname, details of identification document (passport), address of residence, payment (bank) details, and bug report.
  2. For a legal entity: company’s registration details, payment (bank) details) and bug report.
  1. A reward shall be paid via PayPal payment system. Other ways of reward payment may be allowed in exceptional circumstances and subject to ISPsystem decision only.
  2. All tax liabilities of the User, bank charges that may arise from the execution of this Contract shall be solely with the User and at its expense.  

  1. The User undertakes not to disclose information about bugs in the Software Programs until ISPsystem has eliminated these or until ISPsystem has refused to recognize these as critical.
  2. In case of a breach of this undertaking, ISPsystem is entitled to refuse to pay a reward. In case a reward has been paid, ISPsystem is entitled to charge a fine in the amount of the reward multiplied by ten.

  1. By submitting a bug report, the User gives ISPsystem a consent to processing its personal data (full name and surname, passport details, address of residence, phone number, e-mail address, payment (bank) details) for the purpose of payment of a reward, compliance with tax legislation, and protection against claims.
  2. The period of data processing is until the User withdraws these on the basis of a personal application.

  1. Legal documents, notifications (hereinafter – the E-documents) shall be exchanged using e-mail addresses of the Parties and/or personal account on ISPsystem website.
  2. E-documents submitted as described above shall be recognized by the Parties as signed with basic electronic signature (hereinafter – the E-signature). The Parties shall maintain confidentiality in relation to their respective authorization data of personal account on ISPsystem website and of their e-mail.
  3. Written agreement on the use of basic electronic signature by the Parties shall be deemed complied with once the User has submitted a bug report.

  1. This Contract is perpetual and shall remain in force until ISPsystem has withdrawn it. In case this Contract is withdrawn, ISPsystem remains liable for payment of a reward in relation to bugs that have been reported prior to the withdrawal.
  2. This Contract shall be applied and interpreted solely in compliance with substantive and procedural legislation of the country of registration of ISPsystem. Any disputes shall be subject to review in a court at the location of ISPsystem. Pre-trial review shall be mandatory, whereby claim review period amounts to 15 business days from the date of claim receipt by a party.



ISPsystem LTD


Passport details

Address of residence

Payment details



In accordance with the ANNOUNCEMENT of the public promise of a reward for finding bugs in software products, I am reporting a bug (mark one or several options with an “Х”):

Security problems that cause hanging of the Software Products or shutdown of a service as a result of user (not administrator) actions via the Software Product.

Problems that cause utilization of more resources than those available under a license purchased from ISPsystem (Breach of ISPsystem license agreement).

Security problems, whereby access to another user's data can be obtained as a result of certain user actions.

Security problem, whereby administrator rights can be obtained as a result of user actions (not actions of the Software Product main administrator).

        Brief description of the bug:

        Bug reproduction scenario, log files have been submitted (mark one or several options with an “Х”):

Through personal account on website

Via e-mail

Through bug reporting form

By signing this report:

1. I accept confidentiality undertakings in relation to information about the bug until it has been addressed or verification has been refused;

 2. I confirm that I am neither active nor former ISPsystem employee, nor a relative of such;

3. I give consent to processing my personal data (full name and surname, passport details, address of residence, phone number, e-mail address, payment (bank) details) for the purpose of payment of a reward, compliance with tax legislation, protection against claims.

In case the bug has been verified I would like a reward to be paid against the details specified above.

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