on Rendering Support in Respect of ISPsystem Software Products
Revision dated 27/03/2025.
These Regulations define the terms and conditions of rendering support in respect of ISPsystem Software Products.
These Regulations shall not apply to technical support of Software Products of Infrastructure, Hosting, Hosting & Cloud, Enterprise editions if licenses are not obtained directly from ISPsystem (for example, obtained through a distribution channel) or if technical support is provided on the basis of a certificate.
Where reference is made to these Regulations in a license or other agreement, the Regulations shall apply as if they were part of that document, except to the extent that the parties have agreed otherwise.
1.1. ISPsystem – ISPsystem LTD.
1.2. User - a natural person or legal entity who has concluded a license agreement with ISPsystem on granting a non-exclusive right to use the Software Products.
1.3. Incident - any interruption of the Software Product operation, unplanned behavior of ISPsystem, the method of elimination of which is absent in the Documentation;
1.4. Client Area - a non-public section of ISPsystem Website where ISPsystem Services are ordered, licenses are managed, payments are made and other actions provided for by its functionality are performed. Access to the client area is possible only using a login and password that identify the User
1.5. Ticket - User's request to ISPsystem on the basis of an Incident or without an Incident as part of rendering a consultation;
1.6. Ticket Priority - classification of a Ticket based on its content that determines the order of its consideration assigned by ISPsystem;
1.7. Software Product - a program (programs) for computer, exclusive rights or distribution rights to which (which) belong to ISPsystem.
1.8. Product Team - a group of ISPsystem specialists participating in the development of Software Products;
1.9. Business Hours - the time from 09.00 to 18.00 hours (UTC +0) of a Business Day.
1.10. Business Day - days from Monday to Friday, excluding weekends holidays in accordance with applicable law.
1.11. Website - ISPsystem's website at
1.12. ISPsystem Service - an additional service available for ordering in the Client Area;
1.13. Documentation - documentation for the software product, as well as the knowledge base posted on the Website.
1.14. Response Time - a time period during which the Ticket can stay on the ISPsystem side. The time countdown starts from the moment of notification of the User about registration of the Ticket received through the Client Area, or from the moment of receipt of additional information necessary for resolving the Ticket and completion of downloading the provided data. During the time period, ISPsystem is guaranteed to proceed with the Ticket and provide a response or request clarifying information necessary to resolve the Ticket.
1.15. All other terms and definitions shall be interpreted in the meaning provided for in the License Agreement and its annexes, or, if not specifically defined, in accordance with their commonly used meaning.
2.1. In accordance with these Regulations, ISPsystem provides the User with support on issues related to installation, configuration, adaptation, use of the Software Products (hereinafter referred to as Support) to the extent determined by these Regulations.
2.2. By submitting the Ticket, the User confirms that he/she has familiarized with the version of the Regulations and additional terms and conditions (if any) of provision of Support published on the ISPsystem Website effective at the moment of creating the Ticket.
2.3. Special conditions of Support may be stipulated by agreements concluded between the User and ISPsystem in writing.
3.1 All User's equipment on which the Software Products are installed/to be installed/diagnosed and configured must have an active Internet connection.3.2. Support is provided for the below Software Products only:
3.2.1. Configurations provided for in the Documentation as well as configurations changed exclusively by ISPsystem. Support is not provided for Software Products whose configurations have been changed by the User (or by other persons with or without the User's knowledge);
3.2.2. Supported major versions of Software Products for which no EOL has been declared:
- for DCImanager 6, VMmanager 6 - with installed updates issued not later than two months before the date of ticket;
- for BILLmanager 6 - with installed updates to the last two stable minor versions of the product; intermediate beta versions of the product released not earlier than the penultimate stable minor version;
- DNSmanager 6 - with installed updates only to the last two minor versions of the product.
3.2.3. Having active licenses.
3.3. Support is not provided to persons who have obtained the rights to use the Software Products from the User by way of sublicensing. All Tickets can only be sent directly by the User.
3.4. Technical support is provided on the issues defined in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations. Tickets on the issues other than those specified in Appendix No.1 shall only be addressed at the discretion of ISPsystem, including for an additional fee. Such Tickets shall be subject to the deadlines determined by ISPsystem individually.
4.1. In order to send a Ticket, it is necessary to ascertain that there is no suitable solution in the Documentation.
4.2. ISPsystem accepts Tickets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the following channels:
● in the Client Area, after authentication.
● By phone at +1-415-697-15-31, via the chat widget on the Website, via a Telegram bot at, if no additional time or information, diagnostic data is needed to prepare a response and if no confidential data is to be disclosed. ISPsystem is entitled to recommend the User to create a Ticket (or create it independently on behalf of the User) in the Client Area if it considers that additional authentication of the User, time or additional data are required to resolve the Ticket.
● By email at In this case, ISPsystem has the right to refuse to provide support if the Ticket is sent by the User not from the email address specified as the contact one in Client Area.
5.1. ISPsystem prioritizes all Tickets based on their content.
5.2. General criteria for determining Priority:
Priority |
General description of the implications |
VMmanager 6 |
DCImanager 6 |
BILLmanager 6 |
DNSmanager 6 |
Emergency |
● a problem with the Software Product affecting the continuity of the User's business processes by interrupting the functionality of the Software Product or causing data loss, setting the default settings to an unsafe mode or other data security problems; ● The Software Product fails to update; ● The software product is not installed to perform migrations or address critical situations that seriously impact business processes; ● the interface of the Software Product fails to open; ● unable to log in as an administrative user; ● unable to order/renew a license for the Software Product. |
● unable to create new virtual machines and start all already created virtual machines on all nodes of the cluster; ● a virtual machine loses connectivity with the cluster node; ● unable to delete a node; ● freezing of tasks blocking the Software Product or virtual machines on all nodes of the cluster.
● unable to add a server or other equipment to a location; ● any diagnostic operation, operating system installation, or other action is not started; ● unable to create a connection to a running PDU; ● unable to create a location at the first startup; ● lost connection with a working location after the update. |
● ordering, payments, service processing (all active processing modules) does not work; ● failed or errors to accept payments through the payment modules basic for the User.
High |
● a problem causing partial loss of functionality of the Software Product but not resulting in damage or loss of data or interruption of the Software Product performance; ● the core functionality of the Software Product is affected and a workaround or temporary solution is present until the problem is fixed in the Software Product; ● Website, Documentation, or other ISPsystem resource necessary for operation of the Software Product is unavailable. |
● unable to create virtual machines on one or more cluster nodes; ● inaccessibility of the cluster node from the server with VMmanager platform; ● unable to change the status of a virtual machine when performing operations on it; ● error loading content on some page on a critical user path (but the feature is available via API); ● user authorization error (but the function is available via API); ● unable to perform basic operations on a virtual machine (while retaining access to API and virsh). |
● inoperability of the location from the platform; ● failed reboot, power on or power off functions from the server menu item, but you can reboot via BMC; ● the server status does not change when receiving errors from BMC sensors; ● racks are not created when adding a new location (while it is possible to add from the Racks section).
● unable to generate accounting documents; ● failed payment modules that are not frequently used by the User ● failed to collect statistics from virtual machines; ● unable to order a tariff of one of the popular configurations for the User; ● unable to use a payment system popular for the User; ● processing module does not process actions on services.
Medium |
functionality of the Software Product other than core functionality is affected, there is a workaround or temporary solution until a bugfix is released. |
● the Software Product fails to install in a normal mode; ● limits on cluster nodes are not triggered; ● an IP is issued from a pool that was not selected by the user when the virtual machine was created; ● error adding a user's SSH key to their virtual machine; ● encountering problems with backups, snapshots, and virtual machine images. |
● an error when installing the blade server in the last unit rack; ● errors when opening the form of server auto-add settings via BMC.
● incorrect generation of accounting documents; ● unable to order the service at certain (not too rare) settings; ● backup failure.
Low |
Consultation on the functionality of the Software Product and other non-critical Tickets not mentioned above. |
6.1. The Ticket shall contain a full description of the issue, incorrect behavior of the Software Products, its consequences, with attached screenshots, error reports, description of the sequence of actions, as well as other information allowing to assign Priority and resolve the Ticket.
One Ticket may contain only one issue.
The time of addressing the Ticket is calculated from the moment of the first message of the User, and if it does not contain the information necessary for addressing the Ticket - from the moment when such information is effectively provided.
6.2. Before executing instructions provided by ISPsystem in a functioning infrastructure, the User shall back up data, the Software Product, other software or back up the entire configuration.
By granting access the User agrees to make the necessary changes to the settings of the existing infrastructure in order to resolve the Ticket.
6.3. In order to resolve the Ticket in the most efficient way ISPsystem may at its own discretion divide one Ticket into several Tickets or combine Tickets for joint addressing. Combined/divided Tickets can be assigned different priorities.
In case of combining/division, the time for addressing the Ticket shall be determined based on the time of creation of the most recent of the combined/divided Tickets.
6.4. ISPsystem is entitled to clarify the Address from the User, coordinate operations, request provision of additional information and resources necessary for addressing the Ticket, including but not limited to access to the server(s), backup space, test bench (hereinafter referred to as the “Information/Resources”).
6.5. Immediately after the Ticket is created, it is assigned a default priority of “Low”. When creating a Ticket, the User has the right to indicate the need to establish a certain priority, with justification of the reasons. The priority is subject to clarification by ISPsystem at its own discretion after analyzing the contents of the Ticket taking into account the criteria defined by these Regulations.
6.6. The User has the right to suspend or revoke the created Ticket at its discretion. In case of suspension of the Ticket, the term of its consideration after resumption shall be calculated anew.
The User also has the right to take independent measures to resolve the Ticket. Measures taken by the User must be agreed with ISPsystem.
If after creation of the Ticket, the User without coordination with ISPsystem makes changes in the Software Products and equipment that directly or indirectly affect the resolution of the Ticket, the term for consideration of Tickets (if any) shall not be applied.
6.7. Response time in addressing Tickets:
Priority |
Response time |
Emergency |
8 hours |
High |
16 business hours |
Medium |
24 business hours |
Low |
32 business hours |
Tickets are addressed in the general order of their receipt. ISPsystem has the right to change the order of addressing the Ticket and its Priority at its own discretion.
ISPsystem will take commercially reasonable steps to address the Tickets in the least reasonable time, taking into account general priority and established Priorities. However, ISPsystem does not provide any express and implied warranties regarding the term and timeliness of addressing the Tickets, unless otherwise separately agreed between the User and ISPsystem.
Tickets that require the involvement of the Product Team are only addressed during Business Hours.
6.8. The time of addressing the Ticket shall be subject to a commensurate increase in the following cases:
- request for Information/Resources - until provided;
- the need to receive a response from a third-party developer or manufacturer, when the Ticket is related to third-party software products, services or equipment - until such response is received;
- if the cause of the error cannot be unambiguously established, or if the proposed solutions do not work, until the error is established or a solution is found;
- approval with the User on a certain time for ISPsystem to perform operations arising from the Ticket - until such agreed time.
6.9. ISPsystem is entitled to close the Ticket without its essential resolution in the following cases:
- unable to recreate the Incident described with a similar configuration of the Software Product and equipment, as well as the lack of technical possibility to resolve the Ticket in a particular case (incompatibility of server settings, etc.);
- failure of the User to provide the Information/Resources necessary for resolving the Ticket within 72 hours from the moment of their request;
- changes made by the User (other persons) to the Software Product, except for changes provided by its functionality;
- if the Ticket is beyond the scope of the support provided under these Regulations;
- if the Ticket is created incorrectly, its consideration is carried out unconstructively, disrespectfully or with a systematic delay in providing Information/Resources by the User;
- providing a response to the Ticket earlier;
- use of the Software Products in ways not provided for in the Documentation, system requirements, and generally applicable standards, codes, and regulations;
- committing intentional actions aimed at increasing the priority of addressing the Ticket.
6.10. After the Ticket is closed, ISPsystem sends a corresponding notification to the User. If no objections are received from the User within five (5) days from the date of notification, the Ticket shall be considered closed without comments. The closing time is considered to be the moment of sending a closing notice to the User.
The User's objections shall be motivated according to the rules of p. 6.1 of these Regulations.
6.11. If as a result of addressing a Ticket, an error is found in the Software Product, its correction is included into the development plan and is subject to elimination in one of the subsequent major or minor versions of the Software Product at ISPsystem's discretion, and the Ticket is subject to closure due to finding of the error.
7.1. ISPsystem does not provide any express or implied warranties arising from the Support, does not guarantee achievement of the User's goals, does not compensate for real damage or lost profit. If for any reason a waiver of liability is not deemed applicable, ISPsystem's liability shall be deemed limited and may not exceed fifty percent of the one month license fee for the Software Product for which claims are made.
7.2. In no event shall ISPsystem be liable in the event that the inability to fulfill an obligation is a consequence of the following:
- non-fulfillment of the User's obligations defined by these Regulations, license agreement, as well as committing actions not in accordance with the Documentation, applicable standards and rules;
- failure to receive a response from a third-party developer or manufacturer when the request is related to third-party software products, services, or hardware;
- force majeure. Such circumstances shall additionally include power failure of either party's equipment, disruption of communication lines, and disruption of Internet segments.
7.3. ISPsystem is not responsible for quality, operability of the Information/Resources provided within the framework of Support, including (but not limited to) for safekeeping of backups and data.
7.4. In case of violation of provisions of these Regulations, abuse of one's rights, as well as in other cases of bad faith, disrespectful, offensive behavior, committing actions aimed at disruption of operation and interference in operation of the Client Area and other ISPsystem resources, ISPsystem is entitled to refuse to provide Support and temporarily or permanently restrict access to the Support section in the Client Area.
7.5. The user is solely responsible for backing up and restoring his data.
8.1. The exclusive right of modification of the Software Products, and Documentation made by ISPsystem on the basis of Tickets shall belongs to ISPsystem and their use by the User is governed by the applicable license agreement, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
8.2. Ideas, suggestions, advice and other information received from ISPsystem in connection with the User's Ticket shall be the property of ISPsystem.
9.1. The Parties have agreed that all documents, as well as other legally significant communications, shall be exchanged at the Support Center. All such documents and communications shall be deemed to be in simple writing.
9.2. These Regulations shall be executed and interpreted in accordance with the law of the country where ISPsystem is located (the law of the Republic of Cyprus).
9.3. ISPsystem may unilaterally change the terms and conditions of these Regulations at any time. ISPsystem will publish the new edition on the Website ten (10) days before the respective changes take effect.
The User shall independently take the necessary measures to promptly verify the existence of changes to these Regulations.
9.4. Support is provided at the discretion of ISPsystem. ISPsystem is entitled solely by its own decision to terminate provision of Support for all or separate Software Products, as well as to limit the issues of Support, introduce additional conditions for provision of Support, including payment in any form.
Appendix No.1 to Regulations on Rendering Support in Respect of ISPsystem Software Products
1.1. When rendering Technical Support, ISPsystem shall address Tickets only regarding the issues specified in this Appendix:
Software product |
Technical support issues |
1. For all ISPsystem products |
1. Consultation on migration of Software Products and data between servers (does not include work on migration); 2. Consultation on data migration between products of different versions (the possibility of performing the migration itself is determined on an individual basis, in the Ticket); 3. Consultations and performance of works on updating of the Software Products; 4. Consultation on API (does not include work on ready-made requests); 5. Confirming errors in the operation of the Software Products and proposing a temporary solution, if possible; 6. Assistance in setting up integration and diagnosing problems when using modules integrated with the Software Product if ISPsystem is a developer of such integrations and modules and their versions are supported; 7. General consultations in writing plug-ins for the Software Products, if such consultations do not require code validation, training, as well as providing examples of implementation in any language. 8. Consultations on general issues of setting up and operation of the Software Products: ● assistance in selecting Software Products, consulting on their functions, initial configuration, installation, activation, integration and operation; ● installation of the Software Products on the User's servers accessible via SSH from ISPsystem location; ● assistance in ordering, renewal and payment for ISPsystem Software Products and Services; ● solving problems with license activation and IP address change; ● assistance on the use of Client Area, restoring access to it; ● addressing financial issues.
BILLmanager 6 |
1. Advise and performing the following types of work: ● creating a tariff with default addons without editing them; ● finding the cause of a product not working (only applies to default functionality); ● installation of modules supported by the product and described in ISPsystem documentation. Installation is performed only on the BILLmanager 6 side; ● connection of supported payment methods (specified in ISPsystem documentation); ● finding the reason for failure to fulfill an API request. |
VMmanager 6 |
1. Assistance in setup of: ● a cluster; ● backups; ● migration of virtual machines between servers; ● Importing virtual machines from other servers, using the Software Product tools. 2. Advise and performing the following types of work: ● setting up a connection to the mail server; ● connecting storage for backups, disks, etc.; ● installation of modules supported by the product and described in ISPsystem documentation; ● cluster creation and launch; ● creating the first node of the cluster; ● creating a test pool of IP addresses; ● creating a virtual machine. |
DCImanager 6
1. Assistance in setup of: ● Added equipment (previously configured), including performing operations on servers; ● Remote locations; ● Modules. 2. Assistance in identifying possible problems that interfere with equipment operations. 3. Advise and performing the following types of work: ● creating and launching locations; ● creating users and roles; ● creating a server at a location (according to user data) with checking the work of the diagnostic template on the created server; ● creating a switch on a location (based on user data); ● creating a PDU or UPS at the location (based on user data). |
IPmanager and DNSmanager 6:
1. Assistance in setup of: ● namespaces; ● zone transfers. |
3.1 Tickets on issues shown below shall not be addressed within the framework of Technical Support:
2.1.1. Searching for and fixing errors in scripts, plugins and/or SQL queries of the User;
2.1.2. Training, including (but not limited to) the basic principles of operating systems Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, the basics of building networks and network interfaces;
2.1.2. Recommendations on how to configure and optimize services, and how to configure them using the command line;
2.1.3. Server and infrastructure administration, including but not limited to:
- Configuring server infrastructure (servers, etc.), configuring network equipment, building client network architecture;
- Routine work performed on the User's server and switching equipment, such as:
i. Software update;
ii. Scheduled reboot;
iii. Rotation and deletion of system logs;
iv. Backup and checking its consistency.
- Installing and configuring additional software that is not required for the operation of the Software Products;
- Any Support issues if third-party software not included with the OS and not required for the Software Products is installed on the server, affecting and/or interfering with their correct operation.
2.1.4. Fixing errors due to hardware failures, incompatibilities, or wear and tear;
2.1.5. Fixing errors in scripts arising due to modification of the Software Products or configuration, except as described in the Documentation;
2.2. As part of Technical Support ISPsystem provides information on how to resolve the issues contained in the Ticket. Direct configuration and all other actions based on ISPsystem information are performed by the User independently.
2.3. If a Ticket to Technical Support contains a question about performance of several standard operations, ISPsystem provides information about the procedure of their performance on the example of one operation. All further operations are performed by the User independently.
3. Additional provisions
3.1 If during the provision of Technical Support any data are to be transferred or changed, the User shall check the completeness, integrity and reliability of the data and ensure the availability of backup copies. When providing Technical Support ISPsystem assumes that such requirements are met in full.