VMmanager 5 KVM: Administrator guide

IPv6 configuration

VMmanager supports IPv6 and may not use Ipv4 at all. IPv6 is supported both for accessing the control panel and for creating virtual machines.

Requirements for IPv6 :

  • The networking bridge (normally it is vmbr0) must contain IPv6 address.
    • If the IP is specified on the primary network interface (by default eth0) before VMmanager is installed, it will be added to the network automatically;
    • otherwise, add the IP into the operating system's configuration files for the bridge /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vmbr0 and restart libvirtd:   
service libvirtd-bin restart
    • Built-in ihttpd must be configured to support IPv6. At least one IPv6 must be sent to the STDOUT of the command:

    If the web-server is not configured, add the information about IPv6 into the configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ihttpd.conf

    listen { ip 2001:db8::ae21:ad12 port 1800 }

    Restart the web-server:

    service ihttpd restart 

    Make sure that the address is added to

  • The name server supporting Ipv6 must be configured on all nodes. Make sure /etc/resolv.conf includes the nameserver section with IPv6. If not, configure it using instructions for your operating system.