VMmanager supports IPv6 and may not use Ipv4 at all. IPv6 is supported both for accessing the control panel and for creating virtual machines.
Requirements for IPv6 :
- The networking bridge (normally it is vmbr0) must contain IPv6 address.
- If the IP is specified on the primary network interface (by default eth0) before VMmanager is installed, it will be added to the network automatically;
- otherwise, add the IP into the operating system's configuration files for the bridge /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vmbr0 and restart libvirtd:
service libvirtd-bin restart
- Built-in ihttpd must be configured to support IPv6. At least one IPv6 must be sent to the STDOUT of the command:
If the web-server is not configured, add the information about IPv6 into the configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ihttpd.conf
listen { ip 2001:db8::ae21:ad12 port 1800 }
Restart the web-server:
service ihttpd restart
Make sure that the address is added to
- The name server supporting Ipv6 must be configured on all nodes. Make sure /etc/resolv.conf includes the nameserver section with IPv6. If not, configure it using instructions for your operating system.