DNSmanager 6 Knowledge Base

Domain zones registration in domains in-addr.arpa. and ip6.arpa.

The ICANN organization is the registrar for the root domain. Top-level zones in in-addr.arpa domains. and ip6.arpa. are delegated to the regional registrars (RIR, Regional Internet Registrator) with blocks of IP addresses. For Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, this is the RIPE Network Coordination Center (RIPE NCC). RIR monitors the database in order to eliminate conflicts and ensure the uniqueness of domain names.

To send an application for delegation of a reverse domain zone, contact the RIR that corresponds to your location. For example, for the RIPE NCC:

  1. Configure a reverse DNS for your zone for at least two name servers:
    1. Servers must be on different subnets;
    2. Servers should not allow recursive queries;
    3. In the resource NS records zone must be resolvable server names.
    4. The SOA resource record must contain a valid address;
    5. Synchronization settings must be configured correctly.
    Find out more about requirements on the RIPE NCC website.
  2. Register on the official RIPE NCC website;
  3. Follow to the object creation page in the RIPE database page;
  4. Select the object type "domain";
  5. Specify the required data.

The article was last updated on 03.11.2025. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.