DNSmanager 6 Knowledge Base

FAQ. DNSmanager 6

This article contains answers to popular questions about DNSmanager 6.

About product

How does DNSmanager 6 differ from version 5?

Major changes include switching to MySQL, a new web interface design, and a reverse-zone interface. For a complete list of changes, see What is the difference between DNSmanager 5 and DNSmanager 6.

Why is MySQL preferable to SQlite?

MySQL is better suited for handling large amounts of data and consumes fewer resources.

What are the benefits of switching from PowerDNS to DNSmanager 6?

The main advantage is the unified ecosystem of ISPsystem products. For more information, see the article Interaction of ISPsystem products in DNSmanager 6 documentation.


  • availability of a graphical interface;
  • option to create users and assign them their own zones that they can manage;
  • advanced integration capabilities within our product ecosystem;
  • operation and authorization logs;
  • availability of technical support.

For more information about DNSmanager 6, see the official product documentation.

Buying a license

Where can I see the cost of DNSmanager 6?

You can see the cost of the product:

  • on our website under DNSmanager → click Buy;
  • in your client area when ordering a license.

Is there a demo version of the product?

Yes. The demo version is available on our website under DNSmanager → click Free trial.

When changing the tariff to DNSmanager 6, will the already paid period count towards the new tariff?

Yes, the already paid period of the fifth version will be taken into account when changing the tariff. Since after the EOL the cost of DNSmanager 5 became equal to the cost of DNSmanager 6, you will not need to pay extra to change the tariff. Your license expiration date will not change either.

Getting started

Can I install DNSmanager 6 on AlmaLinux 9?

Yes, AlmaLinux 9 is supported. For other operating systems that meet the server requirements, see the Server requirements in the DNSmanager 6 documentation.

How do I migrate from BIND to PowerDNS?

A ready-to-use migration mechanism is provided. For instructions, see the article Migration from DNSmanager 5 to DNSmanager 6 in the DNSmanager 6 documentation.

Can DNSmanager 6 be integrated with other version 6 products?

Yes. Integration is accomplished with the use of a module:

The created domain is not displayed in DNSmanager 6. Why is this happening?

The table in the domains section is limited to 100 records. If the domain is on one of the following pages, it will not be found when searching the first page. To find the required domain, use the filter or increase the page size, for example, to 500 records. The page size value depends on the number of domains.


How do I update version 5 to DNSmanager 6?

For instructions on updating the product, see the article Migration from DNSmanager 5 to DNSmanager 6 in the DNSmanager 6 documentation.

How do I update from DNSmanager 4?

Update the panel to version five first, and only then to version six. See the links for a guide on how to update:

DNSmanager 5

Can I stay on DNSmanager 5?

DNSmanager 5 entered its EOL stage on 1st July 2023. As of that date, the purchase of new version 5 licenses is unavailable. However, if you already have an active DNSmanager 5 license:

  • it will continue to work until the paid expiration date;
  • you can renew this license, but its cost after 01.07.2023 is equal to the cost of DNSmanager 6.

We recommend migrating to the current sixth version to have access to all the latest product updates and technical support. For update instructions, see the article Migration from DNSmanager 5 to DNSmanager 6 in the DNSmanager 6 documentation.

Do you continue to support DNSmanager 5?

Support for DNSmanager 5 is provided only as part of migration to version six. See the Support stages article for more information on the support stages for version five.

The article was last updated on 03.11.2025. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.