DNSmanager Documentation

Create a domain name

Domain Name System (DNS)  is a mechanism which allows searching for a domain name by its IP address and vice versa, as well as other information that resource records contain. For more information please refer to the article Domain resource record. A domain name is a set of symbols which is used to identify an IP address.  

DNSmanager can be used both as the master and slave DNS-server.

To create a domain name for which DNSmanager is the primary server, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to  Main→ Domain names → Add.
  2. Select "master" in the domain Type field.
  3. Enter a Domain name.
  4. Enter the Administrator email. It is specified in the SOA-record of the domain zones. For more information about domain names and reverse records please refer to the article Domain resource record.
  5. Enter the IP-address corresponding to the domain name. You can enter several IPs.
  6. Click Ok.

To create a domain name for which DNSmanager is the secondary server, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Main→ Domain names → Add.
  2. Select "slave" in the domain Type field.
  3. Enter a Domain name.
  4. Enter the  Master IP — the  IP-address of the primary DNS-server.
  5. Clicking Ok will send the information about the domain zone from the primary DNS-server to DNSmanager.
DNSmanager checks that the domain name doesn't contain the restricted names listed in Settings→ Restricted names. If a record is created for a domain name from that list, the domain name won't be created.