Domain Name System (DNS) is a mechanism which allows searching for a domain name by its IP address and vice versa, as well as other information that resource records contain. For more information please refer to the article Domain resource record. A domain name is a set of symbols which is used to identify an IP address.
DNSmanager can be used both as the master and slave DNS server.
To create a domain name for which DNSmanager is the primary server, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to Main → Domain names → Add.
- Select "master" in the domain Type field.
- Enter a Domain name.
- Enter the Administrator email. It is specified in the SOA-record of the domain zones. For more information about domain names and reverse records please refer to the article Domain resource record.
- Enter the IP-address corresponding to the domain name. You can enter several IPs.
- Click Ok.
To create a domain name for which DNSmanager is the secondary server, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to Main → Domain names → Add.
- Select "slave" in the domain Type field.
- Enter a Domain name.
- Enter the Master IP — the IP-address of the primary DNS server.
- Clicking Ok will send the information about the domain zone from the primary DNS server to DNSmanager.
DNSmanager checks that the domain name doesn't contain the restricted names listed in Settings → Restricted names. If a record is created for a domain name from that list, the domain name won't be created.