DNSmanager 6 Documentation

Integration with IPmanager 5

IPmanager is a control panel that can be used as a centralized web-interface for IP address management and allocate IP addresses to servers. IPmanager features:

  • an IP address will be allocated only to one server;
  • it helps configure a name server for PTR management.

A control panel administrator can allow a user to use specific ranges and groups of IP addresses. So, an administrator in IPmanager can allocate a network cluster for every user. 

For more information on how to install IPmanager please refer to the article Setup and configuration.

Integration parameters in DNSmanager

Navigate to Integrations IPmanager 

  • Integration with IPmanager — check the box to select a source of IP addresses that will be allocated to virtual servers in DNSmanager. Selecting the checkbox will allocate IP addresses from IPmanager. Otherwise, the IP addresses will be allocated from a pool of IP addresses in DNSmanager (Settings Panel addresses)
  • IPmanager URL — enter the full URL to IPmanager.
  • Username enter the username of the user account in IPmanager. Create the account in IPmanager before you start the integration process. 
  • Password — enter the user password.
Do not delete the user, which is used for integration with IPmanager. Deleting the user will also delete the user's names servers and the domain zones created in IPmanager.

IP address group management 

DNSmanager uses only one type of IP addresses — dns. You need to add it in IPmanager→  Settings IP address groups:

To use the IP address from a certain group,  set permissions for the user account which is used for integration with DNSmanager. Log into IPmanager as Admin → MainUserPermissions:

An empty list of permissions indicates that the user account cannot use any ranges of IP addresses.