
Migrating from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 9

On July 01, 2024, support for CentOS 7 OS is stopped. If the IPmanager control panel is installed on a server running CentOS 7, you can change the server OS to AlmaLinux 9.

This article contains instructions on how to upgrade the OS without changing the server. To transfer IPmanager to another server with AlmaLinux 9 OS, use the instructions from the article How to move IPmanager from one server to another.

To upgrade the OS:

  1. Create a backup copy of the control panel. The copy must include:
    • configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ipmgr.conf;
    • databases /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ipmgr.db*;
    • DNS server files:
      • if you are using Bind:
        • configuration file /etc/named.conf;
        • domain zone files — contents of the /var/named/ directory;
      • if you are using PowerDNS:
        • configuration file /etc/pdns/pdns.conf;
        • database dump. To create a dump, run the command:
          mysqldump powerdns > path_to_dump
          Comments to the command
  2. Reinstall the OS or upgrade the OS using ELevate software. For instructions on how to upgrade, refer to the official ELevate documentation
  3. Install IPmanager following the instructions in the IPmanager installation guide article. When installing, select the same domain name server that was used by the control panel. 
    If you have upgraded the OS using ELevate software and the control panel is available on the server, skip this step.
  4. Restore IPmanager settings from backup: 
    If you have upgraded the OS using ELevate software and the control panel is working with the correct settings, skip this step.
    1. Transfer the necessary parameters from the configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ipmgr.conf. It is not recommended to copy the entire configuration file, as it may contain paths that are not present in AlmaLinux 9.
    2. Copy the databases to the /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ directory. 
    3. Copy the DNS server files:
      • if you're using Bind:
        1. Copy the /etc/named.conf configuration file.
        2. Copy the domain zone files to the /var/named/ directory. 
        3. Check the owner of the domain zone files: 
          ls -l /var/named/
        4. If the owner or group name is different from named, change the owner: 
          chown named:named /var/named/*ip6.arpa
          chown named:named /var/named/domains/*
          chown named:named /var/named/*in-addr.arpa
          systemctl restart named
      • if you are using PowerDNS:
        1. Copy the /etc/pdns/pdns.conf configuration file.
        2. Deploy the database from the dump: 
          mysql powerdns path_to_dump
          Comments to the command
  5. Restart IPmanager: 
    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m ipmgr exit
  6. Update the license file. To do this, in the IPmanager interface go to HelpAbout programUpdate License button. You can also update the file with the command:

    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/licctl fetch ipmgr
  7. Check the operation of the control panel.