All the settings can be divided into three groups: paths, options, and parameters. In this article, you will find parameters that can be modified in the /usr/local/mgr5/etc/vemgr.conf configuration file.
Restart the control panel to apply changes.
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m vemgr exit
Syntax: write in a new line. Parameter name=value.
To view a list of parameters execute the command:
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m vemgr paramlist
Parameter groups:
- general settings of the control panel;
- backup configuration;
- containers and OS deployment;
- NFS;
- COREmanager parameters.
General settings
- CopyMasterVzConf - the configuration file /etc/vz/vz.conf will be copied from the main server when creating a new cluster node. Possible values: "on" and "off";
- CopyMasterSysctlConf - the configuration file /etc/sysctl.conf will be copied from the main server when creating a new cluster node. Possible values: "on" and "off";
- CreateVmDisableNodeTimer - a period in minutes to exclude a cluster node from the list of nodes available for automatic allocation. If the period is set, after VM creation that node won't be available for new allocations during a specified period, or until VM installation is complete. This value is not set by default.
- CPULimit - CPU limit, the default value is "soft";
- DefaultMigrateMethod - method of migration. Possible values: vz, isp; the default value is vz;
- KernelMismatchMigrate - allows migration between cluster nodes with different versions of OpenVZ; the default value is on. Possible values": on, off;
- Oversell - enable/disable overselling, possible values - on/off. The default value is off;
- OversellMemFactor - the amount of RAM overselling in percent. Possible values - 50-1000. The default value is 100;
- OversellHddFactor - the amount of disk space overselling in percent. Possible values - 50-1000. The default value is 100;
- OversellCpuFactor - the amount of CPU overselling in percent. Possible values - 50-1000. The default value is 100;
- ReserveHDD - a part of HDD reserved for system needs in % from the total size. You can set the value in the "Policy" section of the control panel.
- SwapRatio - the ratio of the paging file size to the memory size in percent. Default value is 200%.
- VMRemoveDefer - delay the deletion of a VM container (in hours). Possible range 0 - 48. The at package must exist and the at service must be running (on CentOS /usr/sbin/atd -f);
- sshPublicKey - path to the public ssh-key. The default value is "<installation path>/etc/";
- sshPrivatKey - path to the private ssh-key. These keys are used for changing data between VMmanager OVZ and cluster nodes. The default value is "<installation path>/etc/ssh_id_rsa";
- VmSyncEnabled - enable automatic container data synchronization. Possible values - on/off. The default value is on;
- VmCountHardLimit - the maximum number of containers that can be created on the cluster. Default value: unlimit.
Backup configuration
- BackupPriority - priority to start the backupctl process. Possible values -20 to 19, where -20 - is the highest priority, 19 - the lowest. 10 is set by default;
- BackupTimeout - timeout in minutes for VM preparation. The default value is unlimited.
Creation of containers and installation of operating systems
- DefaultRecipe - a recipe that will be set up by default;
- DefaultFileSystem - a type of the file system (ploop/simfs) that is used by default when creating containers;
- OsInstallTimeZone - time zone, which is transmitted in macros to the kickstart script and recipes to set the time zone of a guest operating system during the installation process. By default, the value equals the host time zone value. Inside the script (FreeBSD) or response file (Debian/CentOS) the script will be accessible by the link from the macros $AFTER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_HTTPS;
- TrafficShaping - network traffic management.
- MainIp - master node IP address which is used for creating an NFS-storage;
- NfsMountParam - nfs-storage mounting parameters. The default value is ''rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr'';
- OsTplDistributionMethod - OS templates synchronization method on cluster nodes (nfs, rsync, manual). The default value is nfs
Parameters inherited from COREmanager
- AuthenLifeTime — session lifetime in seconds. Sessions that remain idle for more than the period specified, will be removed automatically. The default value is "3600";
- BuilderOnUpdateXml — path to the script that starts when changing the XML-files of the control panel. It is used in the developer mode;
- ConnectionLimit — the number of simultaneous connections processed by CORE. The default value is "100";
- DefaultAccessIp — allow access from the selected IP addresses regardless user settings;
- DefaultButtonView — default button types in the control panels. The default value is "buttontext":
- buttontext — icons and text.
- DefaultHintView — show hints to form fields. The default value is "hintactive":
- hintactive — the hint will be shown when focusing on the hint;
- hintpassive — the hint will be shown when moving the mouse cursor on the hint;
- DefaultInterface — name of the interface to which alias IP addresses are added by default;
- DefaultLang — default language that will be used. if the browser language cannot be identified or the control panel doesn't support that language;
- DefaultTheme dragon — the default interface theme;
- ExpireLogsDays — period in days to store the operation log of the control panel. Indicated in days. The default value is "365";
- ExceedEmailCount — the number of mail notifications that can be sent to one mailbox per day;
- 0 — no mail notifications will be sent;
1 — one mail notification of the specified type will be sent to one mailbox per day:
Types of mail notifications
- FileMaxEditSize — maximum file size (in KiB) that a user can open in the file manager. The default value is 1024;
- ForwardedSecret — a key that is used for setting a real IP address is proxy is configured. For more information please refer to the article Control panel address;
- FsEncoding — file system encoding for the file manager. UTF-8 is used by default;
- InternalAdminName — administrator who sends internal requests;
- LastLogin — show the banner informing when you accessed the system for the last time. Possible values:
- info - always show the banner,
- warning- show the banner only if the IP address was changed,
- none - do not show the banner,
- LicIp — license IP address;
- LongRequest — time in seconds. If the request is executed for a longer time, it will be registered in the long requests log var/<panel name>.long.log. The default value is 300;
- MailMode — mail server type to send email notifications;
- MakefileDir — path to the assembly directory. It is used in the developer mode. The default value is"src/builder";
- OneTimeExpire — limits the validity period of the temporary key for authorization. The key is created using the session.newkey function. By default, the parameter has a value of 3600 seconds and can take any integer value. For example, to change the validity period of a key from 1 hour to 10 minutes, set OneTimeExpire 600;
- PWGenCharacters — symbols that are used for randomly generated password. The default value is "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ". To make the control panel use special characters (#, $, & etc.) when generating a password, add the required characters to the parameter value;
- PWGenLen — length of the randomly generated password. The default value is "8";
- PWStrength — check password strength. The default value is "2":
- 0 - do not check;
- 1 - week passwords can be used (K = 3..6);
- 2 - week passwords cannot be used (K = 6..9);
- 3 - only strong passwords can be used (K = 9..∞).
The password is checked against the dictionary words, and the coefficient of the password strength (K)is calculated as follows:
. N — total number of symbols. Nu — number of unique symbols (case-sensitive). Ns — number of special symbols. Nr — number of letters with a different case. Nc — number of consecutive symbols of the same type (letters, digits, special symbols).
- ProblemsAddressFrom — email from which the mail issue notifications are sent;
- ProblemsAddressTo — email that receives the mail issue notifications;
ProblemsEmailEnabled — this option allows sending the mail issue notifications. The default value is "off":
- on — enabled;
- off — disabled.
- ProblemsKeepOld — period to store notifications in the control panel. The default value is "30";
- ProblemsKeepSolved — period to store unsolved issues in the control panel. The default value is "7";
- ProblemsLang — language that is used to describe issues in the email notifications;
- ProblemsPeriod — period in minutes that will pass before the next attempt to resolve the issue will be made. The default value is "60";
- ProblemsShowAll — show notifications about user issues. The default value is "off":
- on — enabled;
- off — disabled.
- ProblemsSmtpPort — SMTP-server port to send issue notifications;
- ProblemsSmtpServer — SMTP-server address to send issue notifications;
- RestrictAuthinfoRange — authinfo “whitelist” settings. For more information please refer to the article Guide to ISPsystem software API;
- SMTPPass — user password of the SMTP-server to send issue notifications;
- SMTPPort — SMTP-server port to send email notifications;
- SMTPServer — SMTP-server address to send email notifications;
- SMTPUser — username of the SMTP-server port to send email notifications;
- SenderName — notification sender name;
- StartPage — default start page;
- SOARefreshTime — refresh parameter for SOA record. Determines by default the time interval in seconds after which the system checks whether it needs to update a domain zone in seconds for secondary DNS servers. If the serial number has changed since its last check, then the domain zone on the secondary DNS server will be updated;
- XSLFOProc — parameters to call the external FO-processor.
Syntax: path space value, write with a new line.
To view a list of parameters execute the command:
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m vemgr pathlist
VMmanager paths
- BackupTmpDir - directory for temporary files of the backup system. The default value on the master-node - "var/.vmmgr-backup/tmp", on the cluster node - "/tmp". Please note: do not specify the same directory both for remotetmp and BackupTmpDir. The control panel cleans the temporary directory on a regular basis. Do not use directories with important data as a temporary directory;
- ostemplatedir - directory that can be accessed through NFS on all servers. The default value is /nfsshare;
- recipedir - "/nfsshare/recipes/" If you run VMmanager Cloud please note: this directory should be inside the directory specified in path ostemplatedir;
- recipecachedir — directory where recipes from repositories are kept. The default value is "/nfsshare/recipes/repo";
- recipelocaldir — directory where recipes created in VMmanager are kept. The default value is "/nfsshare/recipes/local";
- temppath — temporary directory. The default value is "/tmp".
Paths inherited from COREmanager
- ifconfig — the ifconfig utility. The default value is "/sbin/ifconfig".
Syntax: Option space name, write with a new line.
To view a list of parameters execute the command:
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m vemgr optionlist
VMmanager options
- Option UserRecipes - allow users to edit recipes. A user will be able to view and read the list of recipes from repositories and those created by the administrator, as well as create his own recipes that won't be available to other users.
- Option DisableLocationCheck - disable periodic checks of container location on cluster nodes;
- Option CheckUniqueIP - IP-address of a newly created virtual machine for which the IP was specified, must be unique;
- Option OfflineResize - disable a virtual machine when resizing its disk.
Options inherited from COREmanager
- DisableAutoUpdate — disable auto updates of a control panel;
- DisableCookieSecure — disable the Secure attribute for cookies. Add this option to access a control panel through HTTP. By default, the option is not specified in the configuration file;
- DoNotRestoreTasks — do not recover cron jobs. After you have added this option, a control panel will try to create the required cron jobs upon each start;
- EULA — a user has pressed the "I agree" button to accept ISPsystem License agreement. Deleting this option will show the License agreement when starting the control panel the next time;
EnableAcmeshDebug — in the file /usr/local/mgr5/var/<panel_name>_acme_sh.log the log of issuing and updating LE certificates is written. By default, the option is disabled;
Comments -
EnableDbAuthlog — if this option is enabled and the type of MySQL database is used, the authorization log will be written to the database. Logging stops. By default, the option is disabled;
Details - FirstStart — the first start of a control panel. The Setup Wizard will open when an administrator logs in to a panel for the first time;
HtmlToTextConverter — Specifies which converter to use to convert html to text. Can take the following values:
- internal;
- w3m — used by default;
- lynx;
- IgnorePluginError — ignore the errors that occur when using a plug-in (if you couldn't start the plug-in or it returned invalid XML). After you have added this option the function will be executed but the corresponding error notification will be registered;
- RestrictAuthinfo — enable restrictions for authinfo. For more information please refer to the article Guide to ISPsystem software API;
- SocialDisableFacebook — disable authorization of users through the Facebook social network;
- SocialDisableGoogle — disable user authorization through a Google account;
- SocialDisableVkontakte — disable authorization of users through the VK social network;
- UsageStatAgree — send anonymous information about the use of the control panel. We collect information to improve the quality of our services. We don't collect any form or table values.