VMmanager 5 OVZ: Administrator guide

Manual import of virtual machines

There are two variants:

  • import from a server with VMmanager OVZ;
  • import from a server with a third-party control panel. 

Importing virtual machines from a server with VMmanager OVZ

  1. To import a container you need to have two servers with VMmanager OVZ. Put the public key of the source server on the target server. Execute the following command on the source server:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@<server IP address>
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  2. In VMmanager database create a record about the container. Access the target server with root-permissions and execute the API-request: 

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  3. After you have started the request, you will see the confirmation window in the browser. Add &out=xml at the end of the request and click OK. Thus, you will create a "false" container that in fact does not exist on the hard drive. 
  4. Suspend the container on the source server.
  5. Import the configuration file of the container. By default, the configuration files are located in /etc/vz/conf. On the source server execute the command: 

    rsync -avz /etc/vz/conf/<id.conf> root@<IP-address of the cluster node>:/etc/vz/conf/<id.conf>
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  6. To import the container, execute the command on the source server: 

    rsync -avz /var/lib/vz/private/<id-old>/ root@<IP-address of the cluster node>:/var/lib/vz/private/<id>
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  7. Change the IP address on the container network interface. 

Importing containers from a server with a third-party control panel

There are 2 variants to import containers from servers with other control panels: 

  • install VMmanager OVZ locally on the source server;
  • install VMmanager OVZ on a separate server and add the source server a cluster node.

Complete the following steps before you start:

  1. Install VMmanager OVZ on the local or a separate server
  2. Disable or uninstall the  control panel;
  3. Create the following objects in VMmanager OVZ:
    1. Cluster nodes. Connect all the servers from which you want to import virtual machines. 
    2. A user who will be the owner of the virtual machines; otherwise a new user will be created for each container.
    3. Networks. In the IP addresses management module or in IPmanager create networks corresponding to the IP addresses of your container; network type is "public".

Execute the command to start importing the local containers. Container identifiers  (CTID) will be changed:

/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m vemgr import.local user=user_id elid=CTID hostnode=id|all
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The command output must be empty. Make sure there are no errors in the import log. The command output must be empty: 

grep "WARNING Skip" /usr/local/mgr5/var/vemgr.log