DCImanager 5 Documentation

DCImanager 5 Documentation

This guide describes the functions and features of DCImanager available for administrators and users of a data-center. 

  • Introduction — general information about DCImanager and its functionality. 
  • Configuration — this article describes how to update and configure DCImanager.
  • Locations and racks — how to create and manage racks and locations where you can add your dedicated servers.  
  • Servers — information on how DCImanager manages dedicated servers.
  • Tools — describes the operations with servers in DCImanager.
  • Equipment — information about server equipment that allows managing, controlling, or collecting statistics in DCImanager.
  • Inventory — learn more about how to manage the delivery of server equipment, its suppliers, and track every server, device, and the part between physical locations, data centers, racks, or specific units. 
  • Types of equipment — includes articles that describe DCImanager features to manage the reference directories.
  • Recipes and OS templates — learn more about the installation of operating systems and software applications on servers. 
  • Modules — setup and configuration of additional modules that add more functions to DCImanager.
  • Statistics — data that DCImanager collects about users and servers.
  • Integrations — contains articles that describe how to integrate DCImanager with other software products.
  • Developer section — describes the API functions.
  • Personal data management — describes how to manage personal data of your users.
  • Troubleshooting — frequently asked questions your users may have when they use the control panel.