DCImanager 5 Documentation

Working in the IPMI Intel BMC web-interface via noVNC

The "IPMI proxy via auxiliary server" module allows owners of servers with IPMI, having internal IP address to access IPMI web-interfaces. Access is provided through connecting of VNC to the selected server with CentOS 7. The environment with a limited version of the browser and IPMI web interface page is created on the server. This article describes how to access the IPMI Intel BMC in noVNC when you use the "IPMI proxy via auxiliary sever" module.

IPMI information

BMC Firmware Build Time :Wed Dec 20 18:54:59 2017.

BIOS ID: SE5C620.86B.00.01.0012.021320180053

BMC FW Rev: 1.43.33e8d6b4

Backup BMC FW Rev: 1.43.33e8d6b4

Build ID: 33E8D6B4

SDR Package Version: 1.30

Mgmt Engine (ME) FW Rev:

Baseboard Serial Number: QSBP73407508


Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Authentication.

Step 2. Go to Remote Control → KVM/Console Redirection.

Step 3. Confirm the operation.

Step 4. Open the jnlp-file.

Step 5. Accept the expired java-applet certificateа.

Step 6. Security warnings.

Step 7. Confirm that you will use the AES-128 encryption.

Step 1. Authentication

Authorization algorithm:

  1. Click in the Username field;
  2. Click "Login";
  3. Click in the Password field;
  4. Click Password;
  5. Click "login" button or the"Enter" key on the keyboard

Step 2Go to the section "Remote Control" -> "KVM/Console Redirection"

  1. Go to Remote Control.
  2. Click on KVM/Console Redirection.

Step 3. Security risk agreements:

  1. Click on Launch Console.
  2. Click on Keep.

Step 4. Open the jnlp file

Step 5. Accept the expired java-applet certificate.

Click on Continue.

Step 6. Security warning.

  1. Enable the option I accept the risk and want to run this application.
  2. Click on Run.

Step 7. Confirm that you will use the AES-128 encryption:

Click on OK.



The Clipboard button is located in the upper left corner of noVNC window. It allows copying text from the user's computer to the clipboard of the proxy-server with browser window and back.I:

  1. Click the "Clipboard" button and copy the text;
  2. Place the cursor in the text input field;
  3. Press "Ctrl + V" or the middle button of your mouse.

The incorrect website certificate where java-applet is downloaded

Possible causes of the issues:

  • the certificate hostname does not match the website hostname;
  • the certificate has expired;
  • the certificate was signed by an untrusted certification authority.

In DCImanager 5.149 and later, if the certificate has not expired, this warning does not appear on the screen. 

Expired java-applet certificate warning

To fix this issue, you should update IPMI firmware.