DCImanager 5 Documentation

Connect devices to servers

A server is a special computer device. The following equipment can be connected to the server:

  • switch;
  • PDU;
  • IPMI;
  • Intel AMT;
  • server.

This article describes how to add equipment that you can connect to your servers. To do so, navigate to Main menu → Servers → Connections → Add.

The process includes two steps:

Step 1. Select a device.

Step 2. Connect the device to the server.

Connect a switch to the server

Step 1. Select a device 

  • Device type — select "Switch";
  • Switch.

Step 2. Connect the device to the server

  • Port — enter the port number to connect to the server;
  • Hidden connection — select the checkbox if you don't want to use this device for the server. This device won't be used for server reboot, power off/on. Its traffic won't be included in the total statistics. 

Connecting a PDU to the server 

Step 1. Select a device

  • Device type — select "PDU";
  • PDU.

Step 2. Connect the device to the server

  • Port — enter the port number to connect to the server;
  • Hidden connection — select the checkbox if you don't want to use this device for the server. This device won't be used for server reboot, power off/on. Its traffic won't be included in the total statistics. 

Connecting an IPMI to the server 

Step 1. Select a device

  • Device type — select "IPMI";
  • IPMI version — defines the protocol for IPMI:
    • IPMI v1.5/v2.0;
    • IPMI v2.0 (lanplus).

Step 2. Connect the device to the server

  • IP address — IP address that will be assigned to the  IPMI;
  • Username — username created in the IPMI;
  • Password — user password;
  • Hidden — with this checkbox selected, the device will not perform the following operations: server reboot, power on/off. Traffic statistics won't be collected;
  • Support old types—  select this checkbox to use an old browser version for noVNC proxy. It enables support of Java-plug-in which allows displaying server console (relevant for IPMI HP iLo);
  • Enable IPMI proxy via ihttpd  — select the checkbox to activate proxy via ihttpd (if IPMI IP address is behind the NAT). The option is available if the  "IPMI proxy via ihttpd" module is installed;
  • Web-interface URL — you will be redirected to this address when clicking the IPMI icon. If the URL is not provided, the IPMI IP address will be applied; Activating the option "IPMI proxy via  ihttpd" will hide the "Web-interface URL" field;
  • IPMI connection type— select a type provided that at least two variants are available: 
    • Without proxy  — do not use the module;
    • Proxy via VNC — use the  "IPMI proxy via auxiliary server" module;
    • Proxy via ihttpd — use the "IPMI proxy via ihttpd".

Connect Intel AMT to the server

Step 1. Select a device

  • Device type — select "Intel AMT";
  • Intel AMT version — defines a protocol for Intel AMT:
    • Intel AMT Common.

Step 2. Connect the device to the server

  • IP address Intel AMT — IP address to connect to Intel AMT;
  • Port — port to connect to Intel AMT;
  • Username — username created in Intel AMT;
  • Password — user password in Intel AMT.

Connecting server to server 

Step 1. Select a device

  • Device type — select "Server".

Step 2. Connect the device to the server

  • Server — name (label) of the server you want to connect.