DCImanager 6 Knowledge Base



Error requesting the graphite service. The error occurs when opening device statistics: PDUs, UPSs, switches, or servers.


Error  10106, graphite request error

Possible solutions

  • Follow the steps from the How to recover the Clickhouse database? article.
  • If the problem remains, delete hung iso images:
    1. Create a backup of the platform:

      dci backup
    2. Connect to the database:

      docker exec -it mysql bash -c "mysql dci_1 -p\$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
    3. Determine the id of the images you have to delete.

      SELECT * FROM dci_iso WHERE status = "downloading"\G
      Examine the response and copy the id of the iso images to be deleted.
    4. Delete the entry:

      DELETE FROM dci_iso WHERE id = <image_id>;
Please, delete the entries from the database one by one and check the result after each deletion.