The licensing service cannot get the contents of the private SSH key or license token from the vault service.
Error 666004, Getting value error from vault
Possible solutions
- Check the availability of the vault service from the licensing service container:
- Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
Go to the licensing service container:
Container names may differ depending on the used version of Docker Compose. A hyphen may be used instead of the underscore character in container names.
To get the exact names of the containers, run the command:
docker ps -a
docker exec -it dci_license_1 bash
Execute the requests:
Requesting a license tokencurl -k -# -X GET -H "internal-auth: on" -H "service: support" -H "content-type: application/json" -o- "http://localhost:1500/vault/v4/value/license_token"
Requesting a private SSH keycurl -k -# -X GET -H "internal-auth: on" -H "service: support" -H "content-type: application/json" -o- "http://localhost:1500/vault/v4/value/ssh_priv"
Exit the container:
- examine the vault service log:
- Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
Run the command:
docker logs -f dci_license_1 | grep vault