COREmanager Documentation

Configuration file parameters

The configuration file is located in /usr/local/mgr5/etc/core.conf.

Syntax: enter every parameter from a new line as "Parameter name=Value". 

To view a list of parameters:

/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m core paramlist
  • AuthenLifeTime — session lifetime in seconds. Sessions that remain idle for more than the period specified, will be removed automatically. The default value is "3600";
  • BuilderOnUpdateXml — path to the script that starts when changing the XML-files of the control panel. It is used in the developer mode;
  • ConnectionLimit — the number of simultaneous connections processed by CORE. The default value is "100";
  • DefaultAccessIp — allow access from the selected IP addresses regardless user settings;
  • DefaultButtonView — default button types in the control panels. The default value is "buttontext":
    • buttontext — icons and text.
  • DefaultHintView — show hints to form fields. The default value is "hintactive":
    • hintactive — the hint will be shown when focusing on the hint;
    • hintpassive — the hint will be shown when moving the mouse cursor on the hint;
  • DefaultInterface — name of the interface to which alias IP addresses are added by default;
  • DefaultLang — default language that will be used. if the browser language cannot be identified or the control panel doesn't support that language;
  • DefaultTheme dragon — the default interface theme;
  • ExpireLogsDays — period in days to store the operation log of the control panel. Indicated in days. The default value is "365";
  • ExceedEmailCount — the number of mail notifications that can be sent to one mailbox per day;
    • 0 — no mail notifications will be sent;
    • 1 — one mail notification of the specified type will be sent to one mailbox per day:

      Types of mail notifications
  • FileMaxEditSize — maximum file size (in KiB) that a user can open in the file manager. The default value is 1024;
  • ForwardedSecret — a key that is used for setting a real IP address is proxy is configured. For more information please refer to the article Control panel address;
  • FsEncoding — file system encoding for the file manager. UTF-8 is used by default;
  • InternalAdminName — administrator who sends internal requests;
  • LastLogin — show the banner informing when you accessed the system for the last time. Possible values:
    • info - always show the banner,
    • warning- show the banner only if the IP address was changed,
    • none - do not show the banner,
  • LicIp — license IP address;
  • LongRequest — time in seconds. If the request is executed for a longer time, it will be registered in the long requests log var/<panel name>.long.log. The default value is 300;
  • MailMode — mail server type to send email notifications;
  • MakefileDir — path to the assembly directory. It is used in the developer mode. The default value is"src/builder";
  • OneTimeExpire — limits the validity period of the temporary key for authorization. The key is created using the session.newkey function. By default, the parameter has a value of 3600 seconds and can take any integer value. For example, to change the validity period of a key from 1 hour to 10 minutes, set OneTimeExpire 600;
  • PWGenCharacters — symbols that are used for randomly generated password. The default value is "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ". To make the control panel use special characters (#, $, & etc.) when generating a password, add the required characters to the parameter value;
  • PWGenLen — length of the randomly generated password. The default value is "8";
  • PWStrength — check password strength. The default value is "2":
    • 0 - do not check;
    • 1 - week passwords can be used (K = 3..6);
    • 2 - week passwords cannot be used (K = 6..9);
    • 3 - only strong passwords can be used (K = 9..∞).
    • The password is checked against the dictionary words, and the coefficient of the password strength (K)is calculated as follows: . N — total number of symbols. Nu — number of unique symbols (case-sensitive). Ns — number of special symbols. Nr — number of letters with a different case. Nc — number of consecutive symbols of the same type (letters, digits, special symbols).

  • ProblemsAddressFrom — email from which the mail issue notifications are sent;
  • ProblemsAddressTo — email that receives the mail issue notifications;
  • ProblemsEmailEnabled — this option allows sending the mail issue notifications. The default value is "off":

    • on — enabled;
    • off — disabled.
  • ProblemsKeepOld — period to store notifications in the control panel. The default value is "30";
  • ProblemsKeepSolved — period to store unsolved issues in the control panel. The default value is "7";
  • ProblemsLang — language that is used to describe issues in the email notifications;
  • ProblemsPeriod — period in minutes that will pass before the next attempt to resolve the issue will be made. The default value is "60";
  • ProblemsShowAll — show notifications about user issues. The default value is "off":
    • on — enabled;
    • off — disabled.
  • ProblemsSmtpPort — SMTP-server port to send issue notifications;
  • ProblemsSmtpServer — SMTP-server address to send issue notifications;
  • RestrictAuthinfoRange — authinfo “whitelist” settings. For more information please refer to the article Guide to ISPsystem software API;
  • SMTPPass — user password of the SMTP-server to send issue notifications;
  • SMTPPort — SMTP-server port to send email notifications;
  • SMTPServer — SMTP-server address to send email notifications;
  • SMTPUser — username of the SMTP-server port to send email notifications;
  • SenderName — notification sender name;
  • StartPage — default start page;
  • SOARefreshTime — refresh parameter for SOA record. Determines by default the time interval in seconds after which the system checks whether it needs to update a domain zone in seconds for secondary DNS servers. If the serial number has changed since its last check, then the domain zone on the secondary DNS server will be updated;
  • XSLFOProc — parameters to call the external FO-processor.