The graphical control element Breadcrumbs or breadcrumb trail is a navigation aid used in user interfaces. It allows users to keep track of their locations within a control panel.
Example: File manager in ISPmanager
<doc ...>
<elem func="file" name="/">
<param name="plid"/>
<elem func="file" name="usr/">
<param name="plid">/usr</param>
<elem func="file" name="local/">
<param name="plid">/usr/local</param>
<elem func="file" name="mgr5/">
<param name="plid">/usr/local/mgr5</param>
<elem func="file" name="skins/">
<param name="plid">/usr/local/mgr5/skins</param>
<elem func="file" name="orion/">
<param name="plid">/usr/local/mgr5/skins/orion</param>
XML description
The breadcrumb element
Contains a list of bradcrumbs.
The elem element
Contains data for the link.
the @func attributea function of the control panel that will be calledthe @name attributea name of the link
The param element
Sets additional parameters
the @name attributespecifies a parameter name