VMmanager Knowledge Base

Errors list

Error codeInterface messageBrief descriptionPossible solutions


Unknown Error

An error has occurred that cannot be determined by the platform.

Study the logs of the service that was accessed when the error occurred. Contact the technical support.


A socket descriptor is in use

Error of the gomon monitoring service on the cluster node. 

Restart the gomon service on the cluster nodes.


Unexpected Error

An error has occurred that cannot be detected by the platform.

Study the logs of the service that was accessed when the error occurred. Contact the technical support.



The request was executed without authorization.

Make sure that the request is executed under the authorized user name.


User not found

User not found. 

Select an existing user.


Template not found

The requested OS template is missing.

Select an existing OS template.


Bad request

Error in forming or processing a request.

If the request is executed via API, check the format of the request. 



No permissions to execute the request.

Check the permission level of the user executing the request.


Error response from telegram-srv: Bad request: chat not found

No Telegram chat found to send notification.

Check the notification settings for Telegram. Add chat for notifications if necessary.


Os id unknown

API request contains the id of the operating system, information about which is not in the platform database.

Check if the operating system with this id is contained in the platform database.


Live migration is not available for VMs with Qcow2 format disk snapshots

The live migration of VMs with Qcow2 snapshots is not available.

  • Stop the VM before migration.
  • Delete VM snapshots before migration.


The VM is blocked

The error can occur if the administrator stopped the user's VM and then the VM was started by non-platform means. 

  • For users: contact the platform administrator.
  • For administrators: enable the VM using the platform means.


There is no suitable node in cluster

There is no suitable node in the cluster for creating or migrating a VM. 

Check if there are enough free resources on the cluster nodes. 


CPU cores number on node exceeds license limit

The number of CPU cores available under the license has been exceeded.

Follow the instructions in the article CPU core number exceeded.


Task registration error

The task cannot be registered.

Repeat the operation that caused the error. If the error occurs again, contact technical support.


Node has libvirt errors

Problems with libvirt daemon on a cluster node. 

Check libvirt using the instructions in the Basic diagnostics article.


Failed to put SSH-key on node. Check your password or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on node

An error occurs when trying to copy the platform SSH key to a cluster node or Ceph storage.

  • Check if you can connect to the cluster node or Ceph storage via SSH from the platform server.
  • Check if the following SSH connection settings are correct: server IP address, port and password.


Given IP does not belong to any IP-pool assigned to cluster

An error can occur when:

  • attempting to issue an IP address from a network that does not belong to the cluster;
  • receiving information about an IP address that is not found in the database.

Use an IP address from a pool that belongs to the cluster.


License expired

License expired.

Check the license expiration date. If the license is valid, activate it.


Nothing to change

The POST request parameters do not change anything. 

Check if the POST request is necessary. If the request is necessary, change its parameters.


Host is crashed

VM is crashed.

Examine the actions that led to the damage to the VM.


No KVM virtualization support on node

The connected cluster node does not support hardware virtualization.

Enable hardware virtualization support in the BIOS/UEFI of the cluster node. 


Сan not get node info

Unable to get cluster node information.

Check the connection to the cluster node via SSH.


Release data unavailable

No access to Changelog messages.

Check access to the Changelog files. If the platform uses a proxy server, check its settings.


Unsupported operating system on node

An unsupported OS is installed on the connecting cluster node.

Install a supported OS and reconnect the node.


Editing node network settings is not allowed in a cluster with an IP fabric

Changing the network settings of a node in an IP-fabric cluster is not supported.

The operation is not supported.


Storage on destination node is not active

The error may occur when selecting a storage with a status other than "Active".

Check the status of the storage. If it is out of service, select another one.


Repository metadata validation failed

Incorrect repository description file metadata.json

Correct the repository description file. 


Ip automation not available

Error can occur when changing the IP address addition model or creating a VM image. 

  • Add missing network interfaces to the guest OS.
  • Add missing IP addresses to the guest OS.
  • Wait for the migration from VMmanager 5 to complete.


Qemu guest agent is not available on host
  • QEMU Guest Agent on the VM is not responding.
  • VM migration with automatic IP address addition failed.



Operation is blocked. Node is in maintenance modeAttempting to perform an operation on a node that is in maintenance mode. Wait for the end of the maintenance mode. 


Failed to switch the node to maintenance mode

Failed to switch the node to maintenance mode.

Check if there are restrictions that prevent you from switching the node to maintenance mode.


Maintenance is in bad state for this handler

The cluster node cannot enter or exit maintenance mode. 

Wait for the end of operations that prevent the node from changing state. 


User already exists

A user with this email already exists. 

  • Specify a different email for the user.
  • If the account is created via user invitation, add the user via the Re-invite function (POST request /reinvite).


User does not exist

The user with this email does not exist. 

Check if the email in the request is correct and repeat the request.


Host limit exceeded

The license limit for the number of virtual machines has been exceeded.

Increase your license limit or delete some VMs.


Getting license from server error

Licensing service error. 

Examine the licensing service logs.