VMmanager Knowledge Base

Statistics not displayed

The article contains a solution to the problem when statistics are not displayed:

  • on cluster nodes;
  • on a virtual machine.

Statistics are not displayed on nodes


One or more cluster nodes do not display statistics: CPU, disk, network load.


To resolve the issue:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
  2. Restart the monitor service:

    docker exec -it vm_box supervisorctl restart monitor

After that, the statistics will be displayed correctly.

VM statistics are not displayed


In the Statistics section of the platform, the virtual machine data is not displayed.


To resolve the issue:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
  2. Restart the monitor and vmwatch services:

    docker exec -it vm_box supervisorctl restart monitor && supervisorctl restart vmwatch

After that, the statistics will be displayed correctly.