VMmanager Knowledge Base

Registry resource unavailable


The platform does not start. In response to the command to start the platform, an error shown below appears:

# vm start
2024/01/31 21:41:16 Running command 'docker-compose -f /opt/ispsystem/vm/docker-compose.yaml up -d --remove-orphans --timeout 20'
Pulling clickhouse_server (docker-registry.ispsystem.com/team/vm/clickhouse:0.0.4)...
Get "https://docker-registry.ispsystem.com/v2/": dial tcp: lookup docker-registry.ispsystem.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:60454->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
exit status 1

The error means that the server cannot access the registry-1.docker.io resource where the containers required for the start are located. In most cases, the error occurs if no DNS servers are specified in the /etc/resolv.conf file.


To solve the problem:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
  2. Check the availability of registry-1.docker.io:

    ping registry-1.docker.io
  3. If there is no response, make sure that the /etc/resolv.conf file contains entries as follows:

    nameserver <IP address of DNS server>

    If the IP address of the systemd-resolved local service ( is specified as the DNS server, check that the DNS server addresses are specified in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf:

  4. If there are no entries, add them to the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file.

    An example of entries
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    nameserver <IP address of DNS server>
  5. Start the platform:

    vm start