If you have problems with authorization, find out where you can't log in: to the platform or to the ISPsystem client area. To do this, check the address in the browser bar:
- platform — https://<ip_server_ or_ domain_ address>:1500/<mgrname>;
- ISPsystem client area — https://eu.ispsystem.com/.
As a user
If you can't log in to the platform as a user:
- VMmanager 6, DCImanager 6:
- on the login form, click the Forgot password link and enter your email address. You will receive an email with instructions on how to recover your password;
- contact your service provider to reset your password.
- BILLmanager and v5 products - contact your hosting provider who provided the platform. It will provide a new password for access.
If you cannot remember the name of the provider, here are two ways to find out:
find payment documents (receipts, letters of payment and service activation). They include contacts of the company that provides hosting services.
Use a free service that identifies the hosting provider by the website address. For example: www.whoishostingthis.com.
As an administrator
If you can't log in to the platform as an administrator:
- VMmanager 6, DCImanager 6 — On the login form, click the “I forgot my password” link and enter your email address. You will receive an email with instructions on how to recover your password;
- BILLmanager and v5 products. By default, the login credentials for the platform are: username - root, password - root password from your server. If you cannot log in to the platform with this data, check if you can connect with this password to the server where the platform is installed, via SSH.
- If you were able to log in to the server, check that the password is correct and without a space at the end when logging into the platform;
- If you are unable to access the server, contact the hosting provider from which you rented the server. It will reset the root password and you will be able to log in to the platform with the new password.
ISPsystem client area
If you are unable to log in to your ISPsystem client area, restore the password:
- on the login form, click the Password recovery button and follow the recovery instructions;
- contact Customer Service for assistance via email at help@ispsystem.com or by online chat on the website.