ISPsystem Knowledge Base. General questions


A separate entity — the payer — is used to perform all financial operations in the client area. The payer has access to all financial operations in the client area, he can generate bills, receive acts and financial notifications. The payer is needed to make payments. 

 When working with a payer, you need to pay attention to the specifics:

  • payment for services can be made by both individuals and legal entities;
  • the payer's data are specified in invoices, universal delivery documents and contracts;
  • not all payment methods require data to be specified. For example, you do not need to create a payer when paying via bank cards;
  • if you pay by wire transfer, you will be prompted to fill out the basic details of the company to make the payment. 
  • you can create only one payer: either an individual or a legal entity.

How to create a payer

The payer can be added when the payment is created.

You can also create a payer in ClientPayers or ToolsAdd payer.

  1. Enter Tools → Add payer.
  2. Press the Add payer button. You can choose the payer type: An Individual or a Legal entity, as well as an Individual entrepreneur. Each type of payer requires certain data; be sure fill out all fields carefully:

In the future, when generating an invoice, all details will be inserted automatically.

Managing payers

The list of payers is available in ClientPayers. Here you can create a new payer, delete or edit the details of an existing payer. New payers created during the payment will also be displayed in this section.  

You can only create one payer. If no bills have yet been paid on behalf of this payer, you can delete this payer and create a new one.

Payers section

How to delete a payer

 The payer cannot be deleted if any completed payments, documents and other dependencies are associated with the payer.

If the payer is no longer active, it can be disabled. To do this, you need to contact the technical support service (create a request in your client area or write to

Technical support can also delete the entire account, including information about the payer and other personal data.