On September 5, 2023, the classic BILLmanager 5 Orion interface and the legacy BILLmanager 6 interface were disabled. For more details, see the article Winds of change: automatic migration to the current interface in BILLmanager 6 in the ISPsystem news blog.
The article contains answers to frequently asked questions on this topic. If you have any other questions, requests or difficulties with customizing the new interface theme, please contact ISPsystem technical support. We will be glad to help you.
What interface themes are considered obsolete?
The classic Orion theme and the legacy BILLmanager 6 theme are considered obsolete.
Orion theme
Legacy BILLmanager 6 theme
Why were obsolete themes disabled?
Obsolete themes have been disabled to improve the user experience. For legacy themes, all product features, such as new checkout features, updated shopping cart and improved payment process, are not available. We are committed to providing modern and functional solutions that are available in the new Dragon interface.
In which version of BILLmanager did the disabling of interfaces occur?
In version 6.82 regular, released on 04.09.2023.
How will this affect me as a product user?
If you are using legacy interfaces, starting from version 6.82 regular, there will be an automatic switch to the current Dragon interface without the option to revert to legacy interfaces.
How will this affect self-developed interfaces?
Disabling obsolete themes will not affect self-developed interfaces if the standard BILLmanager API was used.
What will happen if an additional self-developed API is used?
Operation of plugins that use a non-standard API is not guaranteed. Before upgrading to version 6.82, we recommend that you check such plugins or switch to the standard API of BILLmanager 6.
Will the shutdown affect BILLmanager 5 users?
The transition to the current BILLmanager 6 interface will not affect BILLmanager 5 users. They will continue to work in the classic interface of BILLmanager 5.
If I have a BILLmanager version lower than 6.82, will I be affected by the disabling of obsolete themes?
No. Disabling obsolete themes will only affect users who have upgraded to version 6.82 and up. But if your platform version is lower than the last two current versions, technical support and downloading current updates will not be available to you.
Technical support is only available for:
- the latest two stable versions of the product;
- intermediate beta versions of the product released no earlier than the previous to current stable version.