BILLmanager Knowledge Base

Known issues

Update error: Package: billmanager-plugin-pmlicenseserver


When updating the platform, the error above appears in the log /usr/local/mgr5/var/pkg.log:

Error: Package: billmanager-plugin-pmlicenseserver-6.78.0-1.el7.x86_64 (@ispsystem-6-5.373)

The error indicates that the pmlicenseserver package is preventing the upgrade. The reason for the incorrect behavior is that the pmlicenseserver package is missing in platform versions higher than 6.78. To perform the upgrade, delete the pmlicenseserver package.


To delete the pmlicenseserver package:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
  2. Delete the package:

    CentOS, AlmaLinux
    yum remove billmanager-plugin-pmlicenseserver 
    Ubuntu, Astra Linux
    apt-get remove billmanager-plugin-pmlicenseserver
On a side note
Other upgrade problems are described in the Problems with platform update article.

Cannot change administrator password in the processing module settings


After changing the administrator password in VMmanager 6, it is not possible to add new data to the processing module settings in BILLmanager. As a result, integration between the BILLmanager and VMmanager platforms is broken. The problem is specific to VMmanager 6 versions where auth v4 is used.

Step-by-step reproduction of the problem:

  1. In VMmanager 6, the admin password has been changed.
  2. In BILLmanager, the user navigated to IntegrationProcessing modules → select a processing module → Edit button.
  3. One of the scenarios occurs:
    • the processing module cannot be opened in edit mode. When the Edit button is clicked, the error Required user not found, or password is incorrect appears;
    • It is not possible to change the password for the user. The error The IP pool with the specified name is not found or is not available on the selected cluster appears in the processing module editing mode.

This behavior occurs when the service processing module receives an empty cluster id by mistake and because of this it cannot perform the check of ip address pools.


There are potential risks involved in altering a database. We do not recommend making manual edits to the database, as it can disrupt the correct operation of the platform.

Create a backup of the platform before performing any actions with the database.

To resolve the issue:

  1. In VMmanager 6, change the administrator password and save it.
  2. In BILLmanager, create a new processing module under IntegrationProcessing modules  → click Add.
  3. In the processing module settings, specify the new administrator password. The new password will be encrypted and placed in the database table processingcryptedparam.
  4. Connect to the server with BILLmanager via SSH.
  5. Connect to the DBMS:

    mysql billmgr
  6. Run the query:

    select value from processingcryptedparam where processingmodule=<pm_id_new>;
    Output example
    | value |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  7. Copy the password from the received output.
  8. Replace the password of the main processing module:

    update processingcryptedparam set 
    where processingmodule=<pm_id_base>;
  9. Restart the platform:

    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr exit
  10. Make sure that editing the main processing module starts without errors. To do this, go to IntegrationProcessing modules → select a processing module → Edit button.
  11. Delete the new processing module created in step 2.

Currency rate fails to load


When loading the exchange rate, irrelevant data is loaded. If the actual date is specified manually, the exchange rate is not loaded.


To solve the problem, load the exchange rate from an alternative source:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
  2. Open the configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/billmgr.conf in any convenient editor:

    vi /usr/local/mgr5/etc/billmgr.conf
  3. Add a line to the file:

  4. Save the file and exit the editor.
  5. Enter DirectoriesCurrencies and load the exchange rate again.

Initial setup wizard is displayed instead of the interface

Fixed in version 6.78. To fix this error, we recommend upgrading to the current version of the platform.


When launching the platform, the initial setup wizard is displayed instead of the usual BILLmanager interface. This error may occur after upgrading to the Hosting&Cloud version of the platform. The Option FirstStart is added to the /usr/local/mgr5/etc/billmgr.conf file, which starts the initial configuration wizard.


To solve the problem:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
  2. Open the configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/billmgr.conf in any convenient editor.
  3. Comment the Option FirstStart line.
  4. Restart the platform:

    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr exit