When updating the platform, the Error: Package: <package_name> error occurs. This indicates that there are third-party repositories present on the server that are preventing the upgrade. The reasons could be the following:
- the platform was not installed on a "clean" server. Third-party repositories were present;
- other platforms (ISPsystem or third-party) were installed on the same server as BILLmanager;
- additional third-party modules, packages were added after installation;
- In rare cases, a package installed by default with an earlier version of BILLmanager prevents the update, if this default package is not present in the latest up-to-date version.
The official repositories of the operating system are used for software updates. Connecting third-party repositories may cause conflicts. It is recommended to disable third-party repositories after using them.
To perform the update, disable or remove the package specified in the error.
BILLmanager should be installed on an unmodified OS without third-party repositories. For more details, see the article Server Requirements. If other products (ISPsystem or third-party products) are installed on the server besides BILLmanager, put them on different servers. To learn how to transfer BILLmanager data to a new server, see the article Migration between servers from BILLmanager Documentation.