BILLmanager Knowledge Base

Alternative way of logging in to the platform

The article describes an additional way of logging in to the BILLmanager platform.


After installing BILLmanager, the terminal displays data for the first login:

  • platform link;
  • login: root;
  • password: root password.

There are situations when it is not possible to enter this data. For example, when using RHEL9 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9) or special OS builds. In these cases, you can use an alternative method.


To log in to the platform:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH with the superuser permissions. For more information about connecting via SSH, see Workstation setup.
  2. Generate a random key at least 16-characters long:

    pwgen -s 16 1
  3. Copy the key to the clipboard.
  4. Execute the function to create an access key: 

    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr session.newkey username=user key=generatedKey
  5. Follow the URL in the browser:

    Log in with the key
  6. Following the URL will log in you in BILLmanager with administrator permissions. The temporary key will be reset automatically after the control panel stays idle for 1 hour. The key validity period can be changed using the OneTimeExpire parameter in the configuration file. See details in Configuration file.