Order a service
API functions:
- vhost.order.param — order a shared hosting service;
- vds.order.param — order aVPS;
- dedic.order.param — order a dedicated server.
Mandatory parameters:
- authinfo or auth — authorization data in a control panel;
- pricelist — tariff id;
- datacenter — data center id;
- period — order period. Possible values: an integer which equals the number of months. For example, service order for 1 month — period=1, half-a-year — period=6, 1 year — period=12, etc;
- sok — order is confirmed.
Additional parameters:
- domain — service domain name. if this parameter is not specified, BILLmanager will set a random value;
- skipbasket — the skipbasket=on parameter indicates that the service renewal won't be added into the Cart, but the system will charge the client.
- autoprolong — auto-renewal period. Possible values: an integer which equals the number of months;
- ostempl — operating system template for a dedicated server or VPS;
- recipe — the system will execute the recipe on a dedicated server or VPS after operating system setup;
- remoteid — unique identifier of the service on the side of the reselling billing system.
Tariff add-ons are passed via the addon_ parameter. Possible value: addon_5=10, where 5 — add-on id, 10 — value. You can find the add-on id in Tariff plans → Configuration → id field. You can activate the filed in the table settings form.
The example of an API call for a shared hosting order:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=vhost.order.param&autoprolong=1&datacenter=1&domain=domain.name&period=1&pricelist=2&skipbasket=on&addon_5=10&sok=ok
The example of an API call for a VPS order:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=vds.order.param&addon_10=6&addon_11=256&addon_12=500&addon_13=1&addon_14=28&addon_15=0&addon_28=1&addon_7=5000&addon_9=5&autoprolong=1& ostempl=ISPsystem%5F%5FCentOS%2D7%2Damd64&period=1&pricelist=6&skipbasket=on&domain=vds.test&sok=ok
The example of an API call for a dedicated server order:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=dedic.order.param&period=1&pricelist=32&datacenter=1&domain=domain.name&addon_33=1&addon_35=1&sok=ok
Service renewal
The service renewal function:
- service.prolong
Mandatory parameter
- authinfo or auth — authorization data in a control panel;
- elid — service id;
- period — order period. Possible values: an integer which equals the number of months. For example, service order for 1 month — period=1, half-a-year — period=6, 1 year — period=12, etc;
- sok — operation confirmation.
Optional parameters:
- skipbasket — the ''skipbasket=on'' parameter indicates that the system won't add the service renewal order into the Cart, but will charge the client.
The example of API call for a service renewal:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=service.prolong&period=1&elid=958&skipbasket=on&sok=ok
Edit service parameters
API functions:
- vhost.edit — edit shared hosting parameters;
- vds.edit — edit VPS parameters;
- dedic.edit — edit dedicated server parameters.
Mandatory parameters:
- authinfo or auth — authorization data in a control panel;
- elid — service id;
- sok — operation confirmation
Optional parameters :
- addon_ — tariff add-on that should be edited, for example, addon_11=512, where 11 — add-on id, 512 — value. You can find the add-on id in Tariff plans → Configuration → id field. You can activate the filed in the table settings form;
- autoprolong — auto-renewal period. Possible values: an integer which equals the number of months;
- skipbasket — the skipbasket=on parameter indicates that the add-on won't be added into the Cart, but the system will charge the client.
More parameters are available in the Admin panel:
- domain — service domain name;
- ip — service IP address;
- username — username in a control panel (e.g. in VMmanager);
- userpassword — user password in a control panel (e.g. in VMmanager);
- serverid — server name in a control panel (e.g. in VMmanager);
- ostempl — OS template for a VPS or dedicated server;
- recipe — pre-installed software (recipe) for a VPS or dedicated server;
The example of API call to modify parameters of a shared hosting service :
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=vhost.edit&addon_34=1024&elid=945&skipbasket=on&sok=ok
The example of API call to modify parameters of a virtual private server:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=vds.edit&addon_11=512&elid=958&skipbasket=on&sok=ok
The example of API call to modify the domain name, IP address, and user credentials in a control panel for a VPS:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=admin:password&func=vds.edit&username=user134&userpassword=jYh4nsqe&domain=company.com&ip=
The example of API call to modify parameters of a dedicated server:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=dedic.edit&addon_26=10&addon_26=10&addon_28=5000&elid=1065&skipbasket=on&sok=ok
Delete a service
API functions:
- vhost.delete — delete a shared hosting service;
- vds.delete — delete a VPS;
- dedic.delete — delete a dedicated server.
Mandatory parameters:
- authinfo or auth — authorization data in a control panel;
- elid — service id;
- sok — operation confirmation
The example of API call for VPS order:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=vds.delete&elid=938&sok=ok
The example of API call for shared hosting order:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=vhost.delete&elid=1085&sok=ok
The example of API call for dedicated server order:
https://<BILLmanager URL>?authinfo=username:password&func=dedic.delete&elid=892&sok=ok