BILLmanager 6 Startup, Advanced

Domain order via API

Domain order function

You can call the API function for domain registration with any method applicable. This always shall be done from the "User" account.

BILLmanager uses function domain.order.api to order domains via API. This function is called with the following parameters:

Key parameters

  • domain — domain name.
  • project — provider ID.
  • pricelist — tariff ID. This parameter is optional. Per default, the first tariff plan application will be used.
  • period — registration period. This parameter is optional. Per default, the minimum period available for the tariff plan will be used.
  • action — action type: register - domain registration, transfer - domain transfer. This parameter is optional. Per default, register will be used.
  • ns(0-3) — four domain name servers in format, or,ip,...,ip.
  • ns_additional - additional name servers. They are to be separated with spaces in the format provided above. This parameter is optional.
  • auth_code — domain transfer code. This parameter is optional and can be used during the transfer.

Parameters for contact information

A domain can be registered with the contact information already existing in BILLmanager or with the new contact data.

Existing contact

The following parameters are used for existing contacts:

  • customer — contact ID for the customer form. It is specified for the existing domain contact if required by the domain registrar.
  • customer_XXX — the list of additional contact parameters, if required by zone or registrar and if it hasn't been specified earlier. XXX is the internal name of this parameter. It can be specified more than once.
  • owner — contact ID of the domain owner. It is specified for the existing domain contact if required by the domain registrar.
  • owner_XXX — the list of additional contact parameters, if required by zone or registrar and if it hasn't been specified earlier. XXX is the internal name of this parameter. It can be specified more than once.
  • admin — contact ID of the domain administrator. It is specified for the existing domain contact if required by the domain registrar.
  • admin_XXX — the list of additional contact parameters, if required by zone or registrar and if it hasn't been specified earlier. XXX is the internal name of this parameter. It can be specified more than once.
  • tech — contact ID of domain support. It is specified for the existing domain contact if required by the domain registrar.
  • tech_XXX — the list of additional contact parameters, if required by zone or registrar and if it hasn't been specified earlier. XXX is the internal name of this parameter. It can be specified more than once.
  • bill — financial contact ID. It is specified for the existing domain contact if required by the domain registrar.
  • bill_XXX — the list of additional contact parameters, if required by zone or registrar and if it hasn't been specified earlier. XXX is the internal name of this parameter. It can be specified more than once.

New contact

If there is no applicable contact type existing in the billing platform but it is required for registration, a new contact can be created during domain ordering. The following parameters are used then:

  • contacttype_name — form name of type contacttype, where contacttype is customer, admin, owner, tech or bill.
  • contacttype_type — form type: 1 - private individual, 2 - legal body, 3 -  self-employed entrepreneur
  • contacttype_XXX — the list of additional contact parameters, if required by zone or registrar and if it hasn't been specified earlier. XXX is the internal name of this parameter. It can be specified more than once.

Standard parameters for any form are the following (used instead of XXX):

  • company_locale — company name in client language. Only for contacts of "Company" type.
  • company — company name in the Latin alphabet. Only for contacts of "Company" type.
  • inn — tax reference number. Only for contacts of "Company" type.
  • kpp — used for Russia only.
  • ogrn — used for Russia only.
  • firstname_locale — Contact first name in client language.
  • middlename_locale — used for Russia only.
  • lastname_locale — Contact family name in client language.
  • firstname — Contact first name in Latin alphabet.
  • middlename — used for Russia only.
  • lastname — Contact family name in Latin alphabet.
  • email — email of company or contact person.
  • phone — phone number of company or contact person.
  • mobile — mobile phone number of contact person.
  • fax — number of company fax.
  • passport — password number of contact person. Specified for private individuals and self-employed entrepreneurs only.
  • passport_org — organization that issued password of the contact person. Specified for private individuals and self-employed entrepreneurs only.
  • passport_date — passport date of issue. Specified only if the passport number has been provided above.
  • birthdate — contact person date of birth. Specified for private individuals and self-employed entrepreneurs only.
  • private - on — hide WHOIS contact data if possible, off - do not hide data.
  • location_country — code of the country of contact person according to the library of the billing platform.
  • location_state — region.
  • location_postcode — postal code.
  • location_city — city.
  • location_address — address (street, house, flat or office).
  • postal_country — postal address in the country of the contact person, according to the library of the billing platform.
  • postal_state — postal address region.
  • postal_postcode — postal code for postal address.
  • postal_city — city of postal address.
  • postal_address — postal address (street, house, flat or office).
  • postal_addressee — name of person to receive mail.

Also, you can create contact data beforehand by using API. Use function service_profile.edit with the following parameters:

  • name — form name.
  • profiletype — form type: 1 — private individual, 2 — legal body, 3 — self-employed entrepreneur
  • sok=ok

Also, parameters of contact creation are used. You don't need to use a contacttype prefix in this case.

Additional functions

domain.check function allows checking if there are any tariff plans available to register a domain name and shows the period price. This function is called with the following parameters:

  • project — provider ID.
  • domain — domain name.
  • whois — check if the domain is available for registration. Value "on" activates whois check. This parameter is optional.

domain.pricelist.param function returns registration parameters for domains of a certain tariff plan. The function has the following parameters:

  • pricelist — tariff plan ID.

API call examples

Registration of a domain name with existing contact information:

Domain registration with additional contact parameters. If you use PRO zone, you will also need to specify job (profession):

Domain registration and creation of new contact information:,25-12&
 customer_location_city=Moscow&customer_location_country=182&customer_location_postcode=101001&customer_location_state=Moscow&customer_passport=2500 000000&customer_passport_date=2015-06-01&
 customer_passport_org=UFMS&customer_phone=+7 123 1234567&customer_postal_address=South, 25-12&customer_postal_addressee=Ivanov I.&customer_postal_city=Moscow&

Example of the preliminary creation of domain contact:Иван&lastname=Ivanov&lastname_locale=Ivanov&location_address=South,25-12&location_city=Moscow&location_country=182&location_postcode=101001&location_state=Moscow&passport=2500 000000&passport_date=2015-06-01& passport_org=UFMS&phone=+7 123 1234567&postal_address=South,25-12&postal_addressee=Ivanov I.&postal_city=Moscow&postal_country=182&postal_postcode=101001&postal_state=Moscow&private=on&

The article was last updated on 03.11.2025. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.