BILLmanager 6 Startup, Advanced

Namecheap (SSL)

Integration setup

Integration is configured in the process of creating a service processing module in BILLmanager.

To create a service processing module, enter IntegrationProcessing modules → click Add. The processing module adding wizard consists of the following steps:

  1. Product type: select "SSL certificates".
  2. Processing module: select "Namecheap".
  3. Integration settings. Specify the data for integration:
    Complete the form using the details of an existing client in the handler's system:
    1. Username — username in Namecheap system;
    2. API user — username for access to API;
    3. API key — key for access to API;
    4. BILLmanager IP — IP-address from where requests to Namecheap will be sent;
    5. Sandbox — use testing access for test requests.
    Activate the Add New Client option to display a link to register with the handler's system.
  4. Processing module parameters. Configure internal (within BILLmanager) parameters of the service processing module:
    1. Name — specify the name of the processing module to be displayed in the BILLmanager interface.
    2. Department — select the department to which tasks from the processing module will be assigned.
    3. Sort — specify the processing module’s priority. If more than one processing module is connected to a tariff plan, the processing module with the lowest priority is selected first when creating the service.
    4. Processing module minimal balance — specify the minimum amount on the personal account in the system to purchase services. For more information, see Processing Module Balance.

Connection test

On the last step, BILLmanager tries to connect to the registrar with the data you have specified.

If connection ends up with the error: Cannot connect to the processing module, we recommend to check that:

  • connection data is correct;
  • the URL address of the certification authority is accessible from the server with BILLmanager;
  • you can execute API calls from the IP address of BILLmanager from your account in the certification authority.

Multi-year certificates

Since September 1, 2020, Mozilla, Safari and Google Chrome browsers do not support SSL certificates with validity period longer than 398 days. Their policies have been changed to improve security.

In this regard, certification centers offer a solution for purchasing long-term certificates — a subscription to SSL certificates. With a multi-year subscription, you pay for the certificate for several years in advance and reissue it annually.

In BILLmanager, automatic reissue of certificates by subscription has been implemented for the Namecheap processing module.

For example, your client orders and pays for an SSL certificate on October 20, 2020 for 5 years. After successful registration in the BILLmanager client area, this certificate has two fields: End date and Paid till. In the End date field, the date of 20.10.2021 will be specified as the date until which the current certificate is valid. In the Paid till field, the date of 20.10.2025 will be specified as the end date of the pair period. Each year during this period, BILLmanager will automatically reissue the certificate for the following year.

If a certificate is purchased for one year, the field Paid till remains empty.


Log of interaction between Namecheap and the billing platform is recorded in file /usr/local/mgr5/var/pmnamecheap.log.

You can add string "pmnamecheap.* 9" to file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/debug.conf to display more information in the log.