The affiliate program is a type of cooperation between the client and provider, in which the client receives a referral link or a promotional code. Such a client is considered a partner or referrer, and new clients who have registered under that link (promotional code) are referrals. The partner receives a percentage of the expenses of his referrals.
Referral program results:
- partner makes a profit from the attracted clients;
- provider gets new clients and advertising by the partner.
General operating principle
On the provider's side
The panel's administrator:
- Creates a referral program in menu Marketing → Affiliate programs → Add.
- Specifies the amount of reward and URL of the provider's website.
Places the following code on at least one page of the provider's website:
<script language="javascript"> var counter_url = "https://billmgr.domain/mancgi/counter?rnd="+Math.random()+"&project=1&r="+escape(document.referrer)+"&p="+escape(window.location.href); document.write("<img src='" + counter_url + "' border=0 width=0 height=0 style='display: none;'>"); </script>
CommentsIf you want BILLmanager to be the referral program website, place the specified code in the brand settings. Enter Settings → Branding settings → HTML → Heading.
This code is used to track clicks and registrations under referral links.
On the client's side
The client goes to Client → Affiliate program and copies the link or promotional code there. Users who clicked this link or entered the copied promotional code when ordering the first service become referrals of the client.
To view statistics of clicks on the referral link, the client (referrer) goes to menu Client → Affiliate program → Statistics. The menu shows how many times visitors clicked the link and how many of those who clicked the link registered in BILLmanager and made the payment.
DB tables
The affiliate table contains general information about the affiliate program:
The affiliateitemtype table contains information on reward for specific customized product types:
The account2project table contains information about which referral program the client is connected to, whose referral it is and under which referral program it was attracted:
The affiliateclick table contains the list of clicks on the referral link:
The affiliatereward table contains the list of rewards under the referral program:
Creation of a referral program
When creating a referral program, BILLmanager makes a record in the database:
INSERT INTO affiliate (id, name_ru, project, reward, url_ru) VALUES('1', 'Invite friend', '1', '15', 'http://billmanager.docker:8080/?from=')
When adding special referral program rules in the menu Marketing → Affiliate programs → Rules → Add, BILLmanager makes a record in the database:
INSERT INTO affiliateitemtype (affiliate, id, itemtype, pricelist, reward) VALUES('1', '1', '103', '1', '50')
Client clicking on the referral link
Tracking of clicks
When the referral link is clicked, BILLmanager makes a record in the database:
INSERT INTO affiliateclick (site, account, ip, project, sesid, cdate) VALUES ('', '2', '', '1', '1579183750.OC4uK2', NOW())
The referral is linked in the following cases:
- in case of transition to the showcase page;
- manually in the client settings (BILLmanager);
- at the time of registration.
If the client did not have a session in the browser, the referral will be linked, but the table entry will not be created. This can occur, for example, in incognito mode or when using a proxy.
Referral link click log is kept in /usr/local/mgr5/var/counter.log.
Registration of a new client by the referral link
Linking the client to the provider:
DB table recordINSERT INTO affiliate (id, name_ru, project, reward, url_ru) VALUES('1', 'Invite friend', '1', '15', 'http://billmanager.docker:8080/?from=')
Comments to a DB record -
Connecting a new client to the referral program:
DB table recordUPDATE account2project SET affiliate='1' WHERE account='3' AND project='1'
Comments to a DB record -
Linking a new client to the referrer as the referral:
DB table recordUPDATE account2project SET affiliateprogram='1', affiliatereferer='3' WHERE account='5' AND project='1'
Reward accrual
By default, rewards for the referral program are accrued by a cron job, on the first day of each month at 3:10 server time:
10 3 1 * * /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/billmaintain --command affiliatemonthly >/dev/null 2>&1
When calculating reward for the referral program, BILLmanager perfoms the following:
Sends queries regarding each referral:
An example of queryJan 16 12:40:16 [12:151] core_module INFO Request [billmaintain][root] 'affiliate=1&func=affiliate.process&month=2020%2D01%2D20&out=xml&referal=6&referer=2'
Checks whether referrer is permitted to take part in the referral program:
An example of querySELECT Count(*) FROM affiliate a LEFT JOIN account2group a2g ON a2g.account = 2 AND a2g.accountgroup = a.account_group LEFT JOIN account2group rest ON rest.account = 2 AND rest.accountgroup = a.account_group_restrict WHERE = '1' AND ( a.account_group IS NULL OR a2g.account IS NOT NULL ) AND rest.account IS NULL
In case of negative response, the below type of errors will be displayed in the log:
An example of a log errorJan 10 20:11:20 [2724:1586] libmgr ERROR Error: Type: 'access' Object: 'affiliate' Value: '1'
Checks whether rewards for the referral have already been accrued in the reported month:
An example of queryselect count(*) from affiliatereward where account=2 and referal=6 and affiliate=1 and cdate='2020-02-01'
Calculates the referral's costs by means of the query:
An example of querySELECT e.amount, s.currency, ai.reward, e.operationparams, AS rewardid FROM subaccount s join expense e ON e.subaccount = left join item i ON = e.item left join pricelist p ON = i.pricelist left join pricelist pparent ON = p.parent left join affiliateitemtype ai ON ai.affiliate = 1 AND ( ai.pricelist IS NULL AND ( ai.itemtype = p.itemtype OR ai.itemtype = pparent.itemtype ) OR ( ai.pricelist = OR ai.pricelist = p.pricelist_group OR ai.pricelist = OR ai.pricelist = pparent.pricelist_group ) AND ( ai.itemtype = p.itemtype OR ai.itemtype = pparent.itemtype ) ) left join pricelist aip ON = ai.pricelist WHERE s.account = 6 AND s.project = 1 AND e.realdate >= '2020-01-01' AND e.realdate < '2020-02-01' ORDER BY IF(ai.pricelist IS NULL, 0, 1) DESC, IF(aip.isgroup = 'on', 0, 1) DESC
If the conditions are met and the referral has expenses for the reported period, BILLmanager will calculate the reward for the referrer:
An example of a DB table recordINSERT INTO affiliatereward (account, affiliate, amount, cdate, currency, id, referal, reward) VALUES('2', '1', '10.00', '2020-02-01', '126', '1', '6', '10')
For each referrer, who was accrued a fee. BILLmanager sends a query:
An example of queryJan 16 12:40:16 [12:153] core_module INFO Request [billmaintain][root] 'cdate=2020%2D02%2D01&func=affiliate.createpayment&out=xml&referer=2'
Creates and credits advance payments with a PartnerPayment/ID number:
Example of DB table recordsINSERT INTO payment (createdate, currency, id, paymethodamount, randomnumber, status, subaccount, subaccountamount, usedamount) VALUES('2020-01-16 12:40:16', '126', '2', '10.00', 'oRBId9qgDJOr', '1', '1', '10.00', '0.0000') UPDATE payment SET number='PartnerPayment/2' WHERE id='2' UPDATE payment SET description='Advance payment #2' WHERE id='2' UPDATE payment SET status='4' WHERE id='2' UPDATE payment SET description='Partner Payment - Gym' WHERE id='2' UPDATE affiliatereward SET payment='2' WHERE id='1'
Comments to a DB record