DCImanager 6

API guide

General information


Access the API by the URL https://domain.com/api/service/api_version/function/. 


HTTP-request methods 

DCImanager 6 supports GET, POST, and DELETE.

POST-request methods 

To send parameters for a POST-request, specify them in the request body in a JSON format. 

Response format

A response to API-requests is sent in the form of JSON-objects, e.g.:

Error notification in JSON
    "code": <error internal code, int>,
    "msg": <error message, string>,
    "value": <additional information, object>

How to process code 503

If the platform service is inactive for a long time, it can be suspended. In this case, API requests are terminated with the code 503. Repeat the requests until another code is received in response:

Example on Python 3
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests import Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter

HEADER_XSRT_TOKEN = "x-xsrf-token"
HEADER_BOX = "isp-box-instance"
COOKIE_SES6 = "ses6"
# specify id of DCImanager 6 session

def _make_retry_object():
    Create an object to retry the API:
    total - number of attempts
    backoff_factor - affects the delay between requests
    method_whitelist - a list of methods for which request are repeated
    status_forcelist - list of statuses for which we request are repeated
  	retries and backoff_factor are selected so that the request does not hang
    for too long
    retries = 10
    return Retry(
        method_whitelist=['POST', 'GET', 'DELETE'],

def _make_session():
    Create a request.Session object to retry requests
    session = Session()
    session.verify = False
    session.mount("http", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=_make_retry_object()))
    session.mount("https", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=_make_retry_object()))
    return session

sess = _make_session()
res = sess.get(
    headers={HEADER_XSRT_TOKEN: SESSION6, HEADER_BOX: 'true'},
    cookies={COOKIE_SES6: SESSION6},

Authorization methods 

There are three levels of API functions: 

  • public functions — they can be called without authorization;
  • user functions — a user with the "User" access permissions can call the functions;
  • administrator functions — a user with the "Admin" access permissions can call the functions;

In order to check the user level, DCImanager 6 tries to find the x-xsrf-token parameter and the ses6 cookie-file in the HTTP-heading. They must contain the authorization token for the current user session. To receive the token, use the login/password or key authorization. 

If you are running the request locally on the server with the platform, add an HTTP header to the request with the value isp-box-instance: true.

Login and password authorization

  1. Send the POST-request to the URL like https://domain.com/auth/v4/public/token.

    Request body in JSON
      "email": "admin@example.com",
      "password": "secret"
    Usage in curl
    curl -X POST 'https://domain.com/api/auth/v4/public/token' -d '{"email": "admin@example.com", "password": "secret"}'
  2. Handle the response. It may contain error messages or JSON like this: 

    Response in JSON
  3. Use the token that you have received in the heading of the HTTP request. E.g.: 

    Usage in curl
    curl -X POST 'https://domain.com/api/dci/v3/setting/operation_change_boot_order' -H 'Cookie: ses6=24-cee181d2-ccaa-4b64-a229-234aa7a25db6' -H 'x-xsrf-token: 24-cee181d2-ccaa-4b64-a229-234aa7a25db6' -H 'isp-box-instance: true' -d '{"value": "true"}'
  4. In the case of error you will receive the following message: 

    Authorization error
        "code": 3001,

If the authorization token has not been used within 60 minutes, it will be deleted. To get a token with the desired lifetime, send the POST-request to a URL like https://domain.com/auth/v4/token

Request body in JSON
"expires_at": <time>,
"description": <comment>

The response will contain a new token with a specified expiration date.

Usage in curl
curl -X POST 'https://domain.com/auth/v4/token' -d '{"expires_at": "2030-01-31 00:00:00", "description": "Token for integration"}' -H 'x-xsrf-token: 4-e9726dd9-61d9-2940-add3-914851d2cb8a'

Changing token and session lifetime

By default, the token and session lifetime is 60 minutes. To change this setting, send a POST request to a URL like  https://domain.com/auth/v4/setting/token_ttl:

Request body in JSON
"value": "<time>"
Usage in curl
curl -X POST 'https://domain.com/auth/v4/setting/token_ttl' -d '{"value": "999"}' -H 'x-xsrf-token: 4-e9726dd9-61d9-2940-add3-914851d2cb8a' -H 'Cookie:ses6=4-e9726dd9-61d9-2940-add3-914851d2cb8a'

Key authorization

DCImanager 6 supports throughout user authorization with admin login and password. Eg. it can be used to redirect authorized users from a billing system to DCImanager 6 or to provide temporary access to the platform for a user. The duration of this key is one hour.

  1. Send the POST-request to the URL like https://domain.com/auth/v4/public/token.

    Request body in JSON
      "email": "admin@example.com",
      "password": "secret"
    Usage in curl
    curl -X POST 'https://domain.com/api/auth/v4/public/token' -d '{"email": "admin@example.com", "password": "secret"}'
  2. Handle the response. It may contain error messages or JSON like this: 

    Response in JSON
  3. Send a POST-request to create the key:

    Create the authentication key
    curl -X POST 'https://domain.com/api/auth/v4/user/client@example.com/key'  -H 'x-xsrf-token: 24-cee181d2-ccaa-4b64-a229-234aa7a25db6' -H 'isp-box-instance: true'  -d '{}'

    You will receive a JSON-object like this: 

    Response in JSON

    With this key you can give the user temporary access to the platform. The user will be able to log in to the platform via a link in the following format: https://domain.com/auth/key-v4/<key>

  4. To get the value of a token using a temporary key, send a POST request: 

    Receive the session number by the key
    curl -k -X POST 'https://domain.com/api/auth/v4/public/key' -H "isp-box-instance: true" -d '{"key": "4-74e7c0e9-a5ff-4f52-a2ac-ed03c6ed1e21"}'

    You will receive the JSON-object like this: 

    Response in JSON
  5. Use the token that you have received in the heading of the HTTP request. E.g.:  

    Usage in curl
    curl -X POST 'https://domain.com/api/dci/v3/setting/operation_change_boot_order' -H 'Cookie: ses6=24-cee181d2-ccaa-4b64-a229-234aa7a25db6' -H 'x-xsrf-token: 24-cee181d2-ccaa-4b64-a229-234aa7a25db6' -H 'isp-box-instance: true' -d '{"value": "true"}'

    In the case of error you will receive the following message: 

    Authorization error
        "code": 3001,

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