DCImanager 6

How to enable server booting via PXE/iPXE?

The DCImanager templates settings specify the server boot mode — using PXE or iPXE. By default, the server uses the mode set in the template. If the server is having problems booting in this mode, you can change the boot method. To do this, perform an operation on the server using a template that supports boot mode selection. 

You can also change the boot method via the API. To do this, connect to the server with DCImanager via SSH and execute the command:

curl -k -# -d '{"settings":{"boot_mode":<mode>}}' -H "Cookie: ses6=<session_id>" -H "x-xsrf-token: <session_id>" -H "isp-box-instance: true" -o- "https://localhost:443/dci/v3/server/<server_id>"
Comments to the command

In the current version of DCImanager, you can change the boot mode for templates:

  • diagnostics — Diag6;
  • recovery — Sysrescd6-x86_64;
  • OS — CentOS 7, Debian 9, Debian 10, Ununtu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04.
  • ISO images loader — Default-Iso-Template.