Starting December 17, 2024, the recommended OS for DCImanager 6 is Ubuntu 24.04. If the platform or locations are installed on a server with Ubuntu 20.04, you can migrate to version 24.04.
The platform will be suspended for the duration of the migration.
This article describes the migration process for two types of servers:
- a server on which only the platform is installed;
- a server that has only a location installed, or both the platform and location installed at the same time.
Platform server migration
To perform a migration on the platform server:
- Stop DCImanager 6:
sudo dci down
- Update the list of available packages:
sudo apt update
- Install the latest packages of the current version of the OS:
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
Restart the server:
sudo reboot
- Perform an in-between upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04:
sudo do-release-upgrade
- Restart the server:
sudo reboot
- Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04:
sudo do-release-upgrade
- Restart the server:
sudo reboot
- Start DCImanager 6:
sudo dci start
Migration on a location server or on a server with both platform and location installed
To perform a migration on a location or server with the platform and location:
- Stop DCImanager 6:
sudo dci down
- Stop the IPMI Proxy service:
sudo docker-compose -f /opt/ispsystem/ipmi_proxy_service/etc/docker/ipmi_proxy_v2.yml down
- Stop location services:
sudo docker-compose -f /opt/ispsystem/dci/etc/location.yaml down
- Разблокируйте операции над пакетами
sudo apt-mark unhold
- Update the list of available packages:
sudo apt update
- Install the latest packages of the current version of the OS:
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
Restart the server:
sudo reboot
- Perform an in-between upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04:
sudo do-release-upgrade
- Restart the server:
sudo reboot
Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04:
sudo do-release-upgrade
- Restart the server:
sudo reboot
- Block operations on the packages:
sudo apt-mark hold
- Configure the NFS service to start at system startup:
printf '# Load nfs at boot\nnfs' | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/nfs.conf
- Configure the nfsd service to start at system startup:
printf '# Load nfsd at boot\nnfsd' | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/nfsd.conf
- Start the IPMI Proxy service:
sudo docker-compose -f /opt/ispsystem/ipmi_proxy_service/etc/docker/ipmi_proxy_v2.yml up -d
- Start location services:
sudo docker-compose -f /opt/ispsystem/dci/etc/location.yaml up -d
- Start DCImanager 6:
dci start