DCImanager 6

Configuring server connections

The following can be connected to a server in DCImanager 6: 

  • BMC; 
  • Intel AMT;
  • one or more PDU (power distribution unit) ports; 
  • one or more switch ports. 
BMC and Intel AMT cannot be connected to the server at the same time.

How to connect BMC

  1. Go to Servers → click on the server name → Connect → to BMC
  2. Select a BMC Type.
  3. Enter the IP address to connect to the BMC. The platform will display whether this BMC IP address is used by other servers.
  4. Enter the User and Password.
  5. Click on Save
You can connect to a BMC of server with a private IP address. To do this, install the BMC proxy module.

How to connect Intel AMT

  1. Go to Servers → click on the server name → Connect → to Intel AMT
  2. Enter the IP address to connect to the Intel AMT.
  3. Select the Connection protocolHTTP or HTTPS.
  4. Enter the User and Password.
  5. Click on Save
You can connect to an Intel AMT of server with a private IP address. To do this, install the BMC proxy module.

How to connect PDU

  1. Go to Servers → click on the server name → Connect → to PDU
  2. Select a PDU location:
    • In server rack;
    • In any rack.
  3. Select a PDU.
  4. Select PDU Ports for connection.
  5. Click on Save

You can also add a connection in the PDU card: Equipment → PDU → click on the PDU name → Ports  menu → Connect to device → select the device type To server → select the server → Save.

How to connect switch 

  1. Go to Servers → click on the server name → Connect → to switch
  2. Select a Switch location:
    • In server rack;
    • In any rack.
  3. Select a Switch.
  4. Select switch Ports for connection.
  5. Click on Save

You can also add a connection in the switch card: Equipment Switches → click on the switch name → Ports  menu → Port settings → select the connection type To server → select the server → Save.

Server connection management

To manage the added connections, go to Servers and click on the server name.

Status Enabled/Disabled displays the software status of the switch port or PDU. You can Enable or Disable the port.

The Link on/Link off status indicates the physical connection to the port:

  • Link on — the cable is connected;
  • Link off — the cable is not connected.

Server connections

To disable all server connections to switches, you can block the server. To do this, go to the menu → Block. To restore connections, unblock the server: menu → Unblock.

You can also manage connections in the server card: Servers → select a server → section Connected devices.

Connected devices section