DCImanager 6

Creating a switch handler

You can add your own switch handler to DCImanager 6. To do this, create the handler code and upload it to the platform.

Preparing the environment

The switch handler must be written in Python. We recommend using Python version 3.9.

You can create a handler based on an existing project. To copy a project, connect to the DCImanager 6 location server via SSH and run the command: 

docker cp eservice_handler:/opt/ispsystem/equip_handler ./

Project directories can be useful when creating a handler:

  • /common — common auxiliary classes and functions.
  • /switch_common — auxiliary classes and functions for working with the switch;
  • /switch_common/handlers — switch handlers.

You can see the required Python libraries and their versions in the project requirements.txt file. To install the required libraries, run the command: 

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To check the data types in the project, we recommend using the mypy analyzer.

Creating the handler

Class for working with switch

The switch class is inherited from the class:

  • BaseSnmpSwitch — for devices working via SNMP protocol;
  • BaseSwitch — for other devices.

The BaseSnmpSwitch class contains methods of interacting with the switch via SNMP:

  • snmp_get — execute a read request for a specific OID;
  • snmp_set — execute a modifying query for a certain OID;
  • snmp_walk — execute a request, the result of which is a list.
Example of class description
class ExampleHandlerSnmp(BaseSnmpSwitch):
    """Example handler class."""
    def __init__(self, switch_data: SwitchSnmpData):
            switch_data (SwitchSnmpData): Switch connection data

To get the data for connecting to the PDU, use the self.switch_data method:

Example to get community

Examples of SNMP requests to a switch:

Getting the device name
result = self.snmp_get("")
Editing the device name
self.snmp_set("", "test.switch")
Obtaining device system data
for elem in self.snmp_walk(""):

Each handler file must contain the make_handler function. This function creates a handler object:

Example of function
def make_handler(switch_data: SwitchSnmpData) -> BaseSnmpSwitch:
    """Create switch handler object.
        switch_data (SwitchSnmpData): Switch connection data
        for selected protocol.
        BaseSwitch: Initialized switch handler object
    return ExampleHandlerSnmp(switch_data)

Methods for working with switch

To allow DCImanager 6 to interact with the switch, override the BaseSwitch class methods:

  • status — switch polling;
  • port_up — enabling the port;
  • port_down — disabling the port;
  • port_speed — changing the port speed;
  • port_duplex — changing the port duplex;
  • port_edit — editing the port; 

    Use this method instead of port_speed and port_duplex for switches that do not allow you to change the speed and duplex separately. For example, Arista.
  • get_statistic — gathering statistics;
  • vlan_create — creating a VLAN;
  • vlan_delete — delete VLAN;
  • add_port_to_vlan — adding a port to the VLAN.

For each method, there are argument types and return values that the platform expects. The equipment management service does not use raw json data when communicating with the PDU, but rather its object representation. For example, to enable a port using the port_up method, an object of the SwitchPortView class with the following properties is passed as a parameter:

  • if_index — switch port identifier;
  • power_status — switch port status in DCImanager 6.

An object of the same class with properties is expected in the response:

  • admin_status — current status of the port;
  • oper_status — connection status.

When overriding methods, specify the required format of queries and return values. All auxiliary views are described in the project file /switch_common/helper.py.

Loading the handler into the platform

To load the handler into the platform:

  1. Create a directory with the following structure:

    ├── __init__.py
    └── my_handler.py
  2. Create a tar.gz archive with the following directory:

    tar -czvf custom_handler.tar.gz handler_dir
    Comments to the command
  3. Log in to DCImanager 6 with administrator permissions:

    curl -o- -k https://domain.com/api/auth/v4/public/token \
        -H "isp-box-instance: true" \
        -d '{
            "email": "<admin_email>",
            "password": "<admin_pass>"
    Comments to the command

    A response message in the format below will be received:


     Save the value of the token parameter from the received response.

  4. Create a description for the handler:

    curl -o- -k https://domain.com/api/eservice/v3/custom_equipment \
        -H "isp-box-instance: true" \
        -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" \
        -d '{
            "device_type": "<device>",
            "handler": "<internal_handler_name>",
            "name": "<handler_name>",
            "protocol": ["<handler_protocol>"],
            "features": []
    Comments to the command

    The response will contain the id of the created handler. Save this value.

    {"id": 1}
  5. Load the archive with the handler into the platform:

    curl -o- -k https://domain.com/api/eservice/v3/custom_equipment/<handler_id>/content \
        -H "isp-box-instance: true" \
        -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" \
        -F "data=@custom_handler.tar.gz" \
        -F "handler_import=<import_path>"
    Comments to the command
     You can also use this command to upload new handler versions to the platform.

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