DCImanager 6

Server preparation

The article describes the steps to be performed on the server before installing the platform.

Network configuration

/etc/hosts file

Make sure that the /etc/hosts file has an entry for the server in the format:

<server IP address> <server hostname>

/etc/resolv.conf file

Make sure that the /etc/resolv.conf file has entries in the format:

nameserver <IP address of the DNS server>

If the IP address of the systemd-resolved local service ( is specified as the DNS server, check that the DNS server addresses are specified in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf:

DNS=<servers list>

Disabling SELinux service

The SELinux service is used as an additional security feature for the operating system. We recommend disabling the SELinux service, as it slows down the operation of the platform and may prevent its correct installation.

Once SELinux is disabled, the server resources will remain protected by the built-in discretionary access control service.

To disable SELinux:

  1. Check the service status:

  2. If the reply contains enforcing or permissive:

    1. In the /etc/selinux/config file, set the SELINUX parameter to disabled:

      sed -i s/^SELINUX=.*$/SELINUX=disabled/ /etc/selinux/config
    2. Reboot the server.

Server with XEN virtualization type

If you use a server with XEN virtualization, create the /etc/docker/daemon.json file with the following contents:

daemon.json file
"storage-driver": "vfs",
"live-restore": true
A server with this setting cannot be used as a location.