The dummy handler allows you to add a virtual power distribution unit (PDU) to the platform. Using a virtual device can be useful for testing the platform.
Features of work
Handler capabilities:
- creating a PDU with the required number of ports;
- port polling;
- enabling and disabling ports;
- collection of power consumption statistics — random values are generated for statistics.
Handler features:
- when periodically polling the device, the status of the manually disabled ports changes to "On";
- adding a PDU and editing its parameters is available only through the API.
Adding the handler into the platform
- Download the archive with the handler from the ISPsystem repository. For more information about the structure of the handler, see the article Creating a PDU handler.
Log in to DCImanager 6 with administrator permissions:
curl -o- -k \ -H "isp-box-instance: true" \ -d '{ "email": "<admin_email>", "password": "<admin_pass>" }'
Comments to the commandA response message in the format below will be received:
Save the value of the token parameter from the received response.
Create a description for the handler:
curl -o- -k \ -H "isp-box-instance: true" \ -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" \ -d '{ "device_type": "pdu", "handler": "<internal_handler_name>", "name": "<handler_name>", "protocol": ["custom"], "features": [] }'
Comments to the commandThe response will contain the id of the created handler. Save this value.
Example of reply{"id": 1}
Upload the archive with the handler into the platform:
curl -o- -k<handler_id>/content \ -H "isp-box-instance: true" \ -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" \ -F "data=@dummy_pdu_handler.tar.gz" \ -F "handler_import=dummy_handler.dummy_pdu"
Comments to the command -
Add a virtual PDU using the uploaded handler:
curl -o- -k \ -H "isp-box-instance: true" \ -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" \ -d '{ "device":"<internal_handler_name>", "ip":"<ip_address>", "name":"<pdu_name>", "note":"<comments>", "rack":<rack_id>, "size":<device_size>, "unit":<unit_id>, "custom_params": { "port_count":<port_number>, "port_name_template":"<port_template>" } }'
Comments to the commandYou can add a virtual PDU through the platform interface. For more information, see the Adding a PDU article. When adding:
- In the Handler field, select the internal name of the handler.
- Specify an arbitrary IP address for the PDU.
- In the Handler settings section:
- Specify the port_count Key and a Value equal to the number of PDU ports.
- To specify a port name template:
- Click the Add settings button.
- Specify the port_name_template Key and the Value that corresponds to the port name template. For example, if you specify "Port #{id}", the ports of the device will be named Port #1, Port #2, etc. Optional parameter. The default value is "Port {id}"