VMmanager: Administrator guide

Bond operating modes

Bonds combine two or more physical network interfaces into one virtual network interface. The use of bonds can improve the network’s fault tolerance and increase its throughput capacity.

Bonds operate in one of the following modes:

ModeNameWork logicPurposeComments
balance-rrRound-robin policyPackets are sent from each interface in turn, starting with the first. If one of the interfaces fails, no packets are sent from it.

Load balancing

Fault tolerance

May require additional configuration on the switch — static port trunking.
active-backupActive-standby policyOne interface works in the active mode, the others – in the standby mode. If the active interface fails, control is transferred to one of the standby interfaces.Fault toleranceDoes not require mode support on the switch.
balance-xorXOR policyPacket transmission is distributed between interfaces according to a special formula. The interface through which the packet will be transmitted is calculated through the logical XOR function for the source and destination MAC addresses. In this way, each interface transmits packets to specific recipients.

Load balancing

Fault tolerance

May require additional configuration on the switch — static port trunking.
broadcastBroadcast policyThe packet is transmitted through all interfaces at once.Fault toleranceMay require additional configuration on the switch — static port trunking.
802.3adIEEE 802.3ad channel aggregation.Aggregated groups of interfaces with the same speed and duplex are created. By default, the interface for transmitting a packet is defined as in balance-xor mode.Increase of throughput capacityRequires ethtool support in the interface driver. Requires additional configuration and support for IEEE 802.3ad on the switch.
balance-tlbAdaptive transmission load balancing policy

Incoming traffic is received only by the active interface, outgoing traffic is distributed depending on the current load of each interface. If an active interface fails, its MAC address is transferred to another interface.

Fault tolerance

Load balancing of outgoing traffic

Requires ethtool support in the interface driver. Does not require mode support on the switch.
balance-albAdaptive load balancing policyIncoming traffic is distributed between interfaces as in balance-rr mode. Outgoing traffic is distributed depending on the current load of each interface.Load balancingRequires ethtool support in the interface driver. Does not require mode support on the switch. Requires the ability to change device MAC addresses.
Useful tips