VMmanager: Administrator guide

Integration with PowerDNS module

Starting from version 2023.08.1, installation and configuration of the module is not supported. To integrate with the DNS server in the platform, use the Integration with DNSmanager 6 module.

If integration with PowerDNS was configured in the platform, the integration will continue to work until the Integration with DNSmanager 6 module is installed.

For some Internet services (e.g. sending email), in virtual machines (VMs) it is necessary to convert IP addresses into domain names. To perform this conversion, you need to configure VMmanager integration with the DNS server.

VMmanager supports integration with PowerDNS Authoritative Server. PowerDNS is a high-performance, free, open-source DNS server. Read more about PowerDNS in the official documentation

After the integration, PTR records will be created on the DNS server, converting VM addresses into domain names.

The integration provides for the transfer of:

  • PTR records;
  • NS records, if additional name servers are specified in the module settings.

Transfer of other record types must be configured manually.

Matching of IP address and reverse domain name

To determine a domain name by IP address, the DNS server uses a PTR record of the reverse domain zone. To execute the request, the node address is converted to the reverse form. The translation method depends on the IP version.


IPv4 address is written as four decimal numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots. E.g., To search for domain names by IPv4 addresses, the domain "in-addr.arpa." is used. The IP address is written in the domain name in reverse order. For example, the address corresponds to the domain name "".


The IPv6 address is written as eight hexadecimal numbers from 0 to ffff, separated by colons. E.g., 3107:0c38:0a67:0000:0000:e446:3925:0091. To search for domain names by IPv6 addresses, the domain "ip6.arpa." is used. The IP address is written in the domain name in reverse order. For example, the address 3107:0c38:0a67:0000:0000:e446:3925:0091 corresponds to the domain name "".

Configuring integration

Installing and configuring PowerDNS

  1. The examples are commands for AlmaLinux 8. For other operating systems the commands may be different.
  2. In the basic configuration PowerDNS uses BIND as backend. BIND does not support API write requests via HTTP, so it is not suitable for integration setup. The example describes changing the backend to Generic Mysql. Read more in the official PowerDNS documentation.

On a server for PowerDNS:

  1. Add the epel-release repository:

    dnf -y install epel-release
  2. Install the software updates:

    dnf -y update
  3. Disable the SELinux service: 

    setenforce 0
    sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
  4. Install MySQL:

    dnf -y install mysql-server mysql
    systemctl enable mysqld.service
    systemctl start mysqld.service
  5. Perform the initial MySQL security setup:

  6. Open the MySQL console:

    mysql -u root -p
  7. Create a database and a powernds account in the console:

    CREATE DATABASE powerdns;
    CREATE USER 'powerdns' IDENTIFIED BY '<powernds_mysql_pass>';
    Comments to the command
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON powerdns.* TO 'powerdns';
  8. Exit the console:

  9. Import the scheme for the data source:
    1. Save the scheme from the PowerDNS documentation to /root/powerdns.sql.

      Each version of PowerDNS has its own scheme.
    2. Import the saved file into the database:

      mysql -u powerdns -p powerdns < /root/powerdns.sql
  10. If the systemd-resolved service is enabled, stop and disable it:

    systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service
    systemctl stop systemd-resolved.service
    systemctl mask systemd-resolved.service
  11.  Install PowerDNS:

    dnf -y install pdns pdns-backend-mysql bind-utils
    systemctl enable pdns.service
    systemctl start pdns.service
  12. Create the configuration file /etc/pdns/pdns.conf:

    Configuration for primary DNS
    Configuration for secondary DNS
  13. Open the DNS and PowerDNS web server ports in the firewall:

    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=<pdns_port>/tcp
    Comments to the command
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=dns
    firewall-cmd --reload
  14.  If PowerDNS is used as a secondary DNS:

    1. Add domain zones:

      pdnsutil create-secondary-zone <zone> <primary_dns>
      Comments to the command
    2. Open the MySQL console: 

      mysql -u root -p --database=powerdns
    3. Add a record to the database with the settings of the main server: 

      INSERT INTO supermasters VALUES ('<primary_IP>', '<primary_domain>', 'powerdns') ;
      Comments to the command
    4. Exit the console: 

    5. In the /etc/pdns/pdns.conf file, set autosecondary to yes: 

  15.  Restart PowerDNS:

    systemctl restart pdns.service

Configuration VMmanager

Starting from version 2023.08.1, configuration is only possible via the platform API.
  1. Send data to VMmanager to connect to PowerDNS API:

    curl -d '{"type":"powerdns", "params":{"address":"<pdns_ip>:<pdns_port>", "password":"<pdns_api_key>"}, "nameservers":["<ns1>","<ns2>"]}' -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" -H "Host: instance-1" https://<vmmgr_ip>/dnsproxy/v3/settings/dns

    If you get the message "Instance is starting now" in response, repeat the command.

  2. Enable the dnsproxy service on the server with VMmanager. This service performs integration with external DNS servers.

    curl -X POST -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" https://<vmmgr_ip>/ip/v3/plugin/dnsproxy/enable
  3. Start data synchronization with dnsproxy. After that, dnsproxy service will transfer PTR records to PowerDNS:

    curl -X POST -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" https://<vmmgr_ip>/ip/v3/ip/dnsproxy/sync

Checking settings

  1. Check that ip6.arpa. and inaddr.arpa. DNS zones are added to PowerDNS:

    curl -v -H 'X-API-Key: <pdns_api_key>' http://<pdns_ip>:<pdns_port>/api/v1/servers/localhost/zones

    If the zones are added successfully, the response should contain information about their settings:

    An example of response
  2. Check the creation of DNS records in ip6.arpa. and inaddr.arpa.:

    curl -v -H 'X-API-Key: <pdns_api_key>' http://<pdns_ip>:<pdns_port>/api/v1/servers/localhost/zones/in-addr.arpa.
    curl -v -H 'X-API-Key: <pdns_api_key>' http://<pdns_ip>:<pdns_port>/api/v1/servers/localhost/zones/ip6.arpa.

    The response must contain PTR records for the VMs’ IP addresses.

    An example of response for the inaddr.arpa zone
  3. Check operation of PowerDNS:

    dig -x <IP> @<pdns_ip> +short

    The response must contain information about the PTR record for the requested IP address.


VMmanager integration with PowerDNS is performed by the dnsproxy service. You can check the operation of dnsproxy service via the /var/log/dns_proxy_service_writer.log file in the vm-dns_proxy-1 docker container on the server with VMmanager.

To check the DNS zone settings in VMmanager, run the command on the server with VMmanager:

docker exec -it mysql bash -c "mysql isp -p\$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e 'select * from dns_proxy_zone;' "
An example of response
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 1
     status: ok
status_info: null
       name: in-addr.arpa
*************************** 2. row ***************************
         id: 2
     status: ok
status_info: null
       name: ip6.arpa
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

To check the DNS records settings in VMmanager, run the command on the server with VMmanager:

docker exec -it mysql bash -c "mysql isp -p\$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e 'select * from dns_proxy_record;' "

An example of the command output:

An example of response
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 1
     status: ok
status_info: null
       zone: 1
    content: gateway.reserved.example.com
       type: ptr
*************************** 2. row ***************************
         id: 2
     status: ok
status_info: null
       zone: 1
    content: subnet.reserved.example.com
       type: ptr

If you have problems configuring the integration:

  1. Disable the dnsproxy service:

    curl -X POST -H "x-xsrf-token: <token>" https://<vmmgr_ip>/ip/v3/plugin/dnsproxy/disable
  2. Delete the contents of dns_proxy_record and dns_proxy_zone tables:

    docker exec -it mysql bash -c "mysql isp -p\$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e 'delete from dns_proxy_record; delete from dns_proxy_zone;' "
  3. Reconfigure the integration.