BILLmanager 5 Documentation

Goods or service order.

To order a service:

  1. Select the tab with the required type of service. For example, Dedicated servers.
  2. Press the Order... button. In this example Order a dedicated server.
  3. Select the service and press Order now.
  4. Select the service configuration. If you are ready to pay right away, press Pay... — the payment form will open. Otherwise, press Add to Cart and pay for your order later.
  5. On the payment form, enable/disable auto-renewal and select a payment method. Press Pay... .

    If you choose the saved payment method, you do not need to enter payment details. After the payment is received by the provider, the service will be activated automatically. You will be able to manage it in the section of the corresponding type of service. In this example it is the Dedicated servers tab.