If you have set up reCAPCTHA, you cannot order services via API BILLmanager. Accessing the billing system via API will give the error that reCAPTHA validation failed. To integrate BILLmanager with a website with reCAPTCHA, add a script into the website header (inside the <head> tag) and use the same keys as for the billing system configuration.
To get the reCAPTCHA keys for your domain, please go to the service web-page.
How to add reCAPTCHA to your website
Add the following script into the <head> tags on every page with the BILLmanager sign-up form:
The reCAPTHCA script<!-- Google reCAPTCHA--> <script async src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script>
Add the reCAPTCHA field on the BILLmanager sign-up form on the website:
The reCAPTHCA field<div class='auth-captcha'><div class='g-recaptcha' data-sitekey='reCAPTCHA_site_key'></div>
Website registration script algorithm
- Get the sign-up form from BILLmanager.
- Get the recaptcha_field and recapthca_type parameters from the form model.
If the recaptcha_field parameter is present get the string generated by reCAPTCHA.
Details - Check the parameters in the forms are valid.
- Write the string you have received on Step 3 into the g-recapthca-response parameter.
- Send the sign-up form model with the g-recaptcha-response.
The same algorithm is used for the login form. On the last step, you need to send a user login and password with the g-recaptcha-response parameter.
For more information about API-requests to BILLmanager for working with a website please refer to the article Integration with website.