To integrate BILLmanager with other services you need to have an account. For example, when you integrate the billing panel with VMmanager you have to create an account in the control panel.
To sell domain names and SSL certificates, connect to SMS gateways, and resell services from another BILLmanager, the integration account balance should have enough funds for purchasing services. BILLmanager gets the information about the integration account balance and displays it in the Reselling services balance section of the admin Dashboard.
On the service processing module creation form, specify the Processing module minimal balance. The billing system will notify a responsible department when the account balance is less than a specified value. If it is not specified, the notification won't be sent. Standard settings allow sending notifications only to email. To enable SMS notifications or notification in BILLmanager go to Settings → Message templates → select a message type → Templates and add information to the template "Processing module low balance notification". for more information about EJS-templates please refer to the article EJS-code syntax.
The following cron job checks the current balance
## BILLmanager check modules balance info
0 6,18 * * * /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr crontask action=processing.checkbalance >/dev/null 2>&1
Execute the command to check the processing module balance:
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr processing.checkbalance