BILLmanager 5 Documentation

Servers reservation

In BILLmanager provider's staff members can reserve a server so that it won't be available for order. To do so, install the module "Server reservation". Once completed, the new section will be added in BILLmanager → Tools → Server reservation

How to reserve a server Link to How to reserve a server 

Perform the following steps: 

  1. Go to Tools → Server reservation → Add. 
  2. Select a Data center — a data center and processing module for services. The values are in the format "Data center(Processing module)". Eg.: "msk_DC(DCImgr)". 
  3. Select the Configuration or Server type.
  4. Specify the Client name for which you are reserving the server.
  5. Specify the Task in JIRA associated with the server. 
  6. Select a date in Reserve till. After this date, the server will be available for order.
  7. Enter a Comment
  8. Enable the option Select a certain server to select a server by its Label. 

Server reservation form

Informing administratorsLink to Informing administrators

BILLmanager can inform that the reservation period will expire soon. By default, the notification is sent to the admin's email 3, 2 and 1 day before the expiration date. 

To change the period, edit the parameter ReservingExpiringPeriod in the configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/billmgr.conf. Separate the parameters by spaces. eg.: 

ReservingExpiringPeriod 5 4 2