BILLmanager 5 Documentation

Departments and staff

There are two account types in BILLmanager: a client and an employee. They mainly differ in goals. A client account can manage only services ordered by a client. Employees (staff members) can manage the billing system: solve tasks, suspend client services, create new tariff plans, etc.

Staff can be assigned to certain departments. Each department performs a certain range of tasks. Configure available billing functions for all departments and employees – your team members will only have access to the features that they need.

The Staff and Departments sections enable you to configure the corporate structure. At the same time, each employee will perform only those tasks that are assigned to this person without interacting with other operations or getting access to confidential information.


 Manage departments in ProviderDepartments. "Sales department" and "Technical support" are created in BILLmanager per default. 

 — this department provides technical support to clients. It receives tickets from all clients within the BILLmanager support center. 

Every department can have an unlimited number of members, and each of them will have the restrictions applied to this department. If an employee is assigned to a few departments, he/she will have all access rights assigned to this department.

Add a new department

Go to Departments Add

Name — a localized name of the department. Users can see this name.  

Business hours — department business hours. This configuration is used in your support center and affects the response time.

Show in Support center — if this flag is checked, users can send their requests to this department. Read more about technical support department configuration.

Task localization — when BILLmanager is working with the services, it can generate tasks: specific notifications for company staff which show that this service requires manual operations. In this field, you can specify the language of tasks generated by the system.

Department permissions

Every department has specific functions and access to BILLmanager data.

For example, the technical support department has access only to the following sections: support center, products/services, clients. It is enough for this department to operate. It will not have access to the billing system configuration and global system settings. Different permissions can solve confidentiality issues, as your staff will not have access to company financial reports. 

A newly created department does not have access to BILLmanager functions by default. You can enable or disable them in ProviderDepartments → Permissions.


You can manage staff members in ProviderStaff. Admin is created in BILLmanager by default and has full system access. This is an administrator account used to configure and manage the billing system.

Add a new staff member

To create a new staff member account, go to ProviderStaffAdd:

Login — it will be used as a user login.  

Full name — enter the first and the last name for users of the selected localization. 

Password — enter a difficult password or generate a new one.

Departments — select departments to which you want to assign this staff member.

Email — email address of the team member.

Phone number — a private phone number that can be used for SMS notifications.

Full access privileges — if this flag is checked, full access to all features for this staff member is enabled.

Avatar — you can upload an employee photo. You may use png, jpg, jpeg and gif files. The avatar can be 80x80 and a max of 64 Kb.

User rights

An employee has access permissions inherited from the department. You can't change the rights received from the department, but you are able to add new permissions.

For example, the sales department has access to the sections related to clients, products/ services, "Payments" and "Expenses" pages. The user John is added to the sales department and has additional functions in this company - e.g. send invoices to customers. You must turn on individual access to the page "Invoices" to enable such options for the user.

 — the permissions are inherited from the department.