Services can be resold by means of remote calls via API. This article describes how to use API to sell ISPsystem’s licenses.
API address of ISPsystem's billing system:
Authorization in the system is performed with the parameter authinfo, which assumes the value: authinfo=user:passwd. Where user is the username in, billing system, and passwd is the user password.
Order a license
To order a license, use the function platform.order.param. Available parameters:
- skipbasket — write off the amount and enable immediately, ignoring the cart. Possible values:
- on — enable without redirecting to cart;
- off — enable with redirecting to cart. Default value, may be omitted from the query;
- comment — can be set
- period — license payment period. Possible values:
- period=1 — 1 month;
- period=12 — 1 year;
- period=-100 — trial period;
- autoprolong — license autoprolongation parameter. Possible values:
- autoprolong=1 — autoprolongation for 1 month will be charged at license order;
- autoprolong=12 — autoprolongation for 1 year;
- autoprolong=null — without autoprolongation;
- pricelist — tariff plan code. Possible values:
- pricelist=55163 — VMmanager 6;
- pricelist=55161 — DCImanager 6;
- addon_id — license addon code. The set of addons is different for each license:
- addon_55165=N — number of cluster nodes available for connection to VMmanager 6;
- addon_55164=N — number of virtual machines available to create in VMmanager 6.
Extend license
To extend the license, use the function service.prolong with the following parameters:
- elid — code of the license to be prolonged;
- period — prolongation period. Possible values:
- period=1 — 1 month;
- period=12 — 1 year.
Changing license parameters
Using the function platform.edit you can change the comment and values of the supplement to the license. New comment is passed by the comment parameter, padding values — addon_id.
Example<new comment>&addon_55165=<new addon value>&sok=ok
Suspend license
License suspension is set by the function platform.suspend.
Example<license id>
Resume license
License resuming is set by the function platform.resume.
Example<license id>
Delete license
To delete the license, use the function platform.delete.
Example<license id>