BILLmanager 6

Integration with a website with reCAPTCHA

If you have set up reCAPCTHA, you cannot order services via API BILLmanager. Accessing the billing system via API will give the error that reCAPTHA validation failed.  To integrate BILLmanager with a website with reCAPTCHA, add a script into the website header (inside the <head> tag) and use the same keys as for the billing system configuration. 

To get the reCAPTCHA keys for your domain, please go to the service web-page.

How to add reCAPTCHA to your website

  1. Add the following script into the <head> tags on every page with the BILLmanager sign-up form:  

    The reCAPTHCA script
    <!-- Google reCAPTCHA-->
    <script async src=''></script>
  2. Add the reCAPTCHA field on the BILLmanager sign-up form on the website: 

    The reCAPTHCA field
    <div class='auth-captcha'><div class='g-recaptcha' data-sitekey='reCAPTCHA_site_key'></div>

Website registration script algorithm 

  1. Get the sign-up form from BILLmanager.
  2. Get the recaptcha_field and recapthca_type parameters from the form model. 
  3. If the recaptcha_field parameter is present get the string generated by reCAPTCHA.

  4. Check the parameters in the forms are valid. 
  5. Write the string you have received on Step 3 into the g-recapthca-response parameter. 
  6. Send the sign-up form model with the g-recaptcha-response.

The same algorithm is used for the login form. On the last step, you need to send a user login and password with the g-recaptcha-response parameter.

For more information about API-requests to BILLmanager for working with a website please refer to the article Integration with website