BILLmanager 6
en En
es Es

YooMoney (for individuals)

Payment methods support
Bank cardsCashE-walletsMobile paymentsOnline banking


Supported features

Payments return

Recurring payments


Configuration details on the payment gateway side

Login to the payment gateway and enter the following configuration details:

To receive payments from users, notifications about incoming transactions should be sent to HTTP URL. Go to Settings → Notifications → click Configure next to HTTP.

Fill out the form:

  1. Enter the url of the notification script, which handles incoming  transactions https://billmgr_domain/mancgi/ymnotifyresult
  2. Select the Send notifications check box
  3. Click Show secret to receive the "secret key"
  4. Click Save

BILLmanager configuration details

The module is installed from the latest available version of the product and requires an update of the BILLmanager platform, because the module version cannot be higher than the platform version.

To create a payment module, enter Provider Payment methods → click Add. The payment module adding wizard consists of the following steps:

  1. Select a payment methods: "YooMoney (for individuals)".
  2. Integration settings. Specify the data for integration:
    1. Specify the Purse number to which the money will be debited.
    2. Enter the Secret key that you received from YooMoney.
    3. To get the client's Full name, Email, Phone or Address, enable the corresponding options.
    4. Payment method — the payment methods available to the client. The full list is available after adding the payment method. You can configure payment methods in the payment method editing form. If the provider has specified several payment methods, the payer will be able to choose a suitable one on the order payment page. In this case, the selection list displays the payment methods available in the payer's country. When payment methods are not specified by the provider, payers are given a choice from all methods available for their country.
  3. Payment method settings. Configure internal (within BILLmanager) parameters of the service payment module. For more details, see How to add a payment gateway module.

Additional information

Payments refunds

Payment refunds are not supported for the YooMoney payment method. 


Logs of interaction of the billing platform with YooMoney are recorded in the following files:

  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/pmyandexmoneynotify.log — log file of payment module configuration;
  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/ymnotifypayment.log — log file of payments;
  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/ymnotifyresult.log — log file of payment system's response receipt.

The article was last updated on 08.09.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.