BILLmanager 6
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Payment procedure description

BILLmanager allows to provide post-paid and advance services. A service provider can also enable credit limit for his customers.

The incoming payments first of all cover the existing debt on the client's account. For example, a client has a minus balance and does not have a credit limit enabled. The funds from the incoming payment, even if it is for payment or renewal of specific services, will be spent first to close the debt and then to pay for the services. If the balance on the client's account is 0 or a credit limit is set to cover the amount of the debt, the payment will be spent for the intended purpose.

Advance payment — the billing system charges a client when he orders a service. The client pays for a certain period.  

For the convenience of clients, BILLmanager displays the Recommended amount for service activation on the homepage of the client area. This amount is calculated by the panel based on the forecast of expenses for the following month: the cost of services for the rest of the current month and the cost of services for the next month are added up.

Post-paid services — the client can order services on credit, and his account will show a negative balance. On the first of the next month, the system will generate an invoice.  

Credit limit — the client can order services on credit, but he cannot exceed the limit that the provider sets for his account. The billing system won't generate the invoice automatically.

By default, all clients can make only advance payments. If you want to activate post-paid services or set a credit limit, navigate to ClientsClients → select a client → Account → select an account → Edit:

The article was last updated on 10.07.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.