Function: hostingpartner
Result: the list of elements
ISPsystem hosting-partners
Access level: admin
- id — Id
- name — Name
- brand — Brand
- level — Level
Edit the selected hosting-partner
Function: hostingpartner.edit
Access level: admin
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- elid — unique identifier (id element of hostingpartner function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- elid — unique identifier (id element of hostingpartner function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- account — Client . ISPsystem client
- level — Level. Select a level of hosting-partner
- set_autogroup — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Schedule change of the level
- autogroup — New level. New level that will be set on the selected day
- autogroup_date — Date . Select a date when the level will be changed
- minimal_paymentamount — Minimum payment . Minimum amount of expenses on partner licenses per month
- creditlimit — Credit limit. Client's credit limit
- licurl — Partner's site URL . Enter the web-site URL where your clients can order licenses
- free_ipchange — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Allow free IP change
- auto_purchase — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Allow auto purchases
- incidentcount — Add support incidents. Number of technical support incidents you want to add
- eur_rate — Special rate (EUR). EUR to RUB exchange rate
- iprange — IP address range. Enter the range of IP addresses
- brand — Brand. Enter a brand name
- domainsource — Domains source. Domains source
- billmgrurl — URL for plug-ins order. URL to BILLmanager 5 API to order plug-ins for licenses
- islandingpage — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) This URL is a landing page
- sshkey — SSH key. SSH key
Function: hostingpartner.delete
Access level: admin
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of hostingpartner function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Drill down to User panel
Drill down to User panel
Access level: admin
Set a filter by the selected client
Function: hostingpartner.setfilter
Set a filter by the selected client
Access level: admin
You can specify selection criteria for this list. They will be applied every time the list is displayed until the filter is removed or modified
Function: hostingpartner.filter
You can specify selection criteria for this list. They will be applied every time the list is displayed until the filter is removed or modified
Access level: admin